My family have told me that I have that very same "gift of the gab" thing before. They keep saying that if I were to be with other people the way I am around them, everyone would love me. But yeah, for some reason when I'm around people I don't know or hardly know at all, I completely shrink down and lose the "gift". It's annoying because I know that if I were to be talkative and all that, people would like me. Deep down I am aware that I'm actually not such a bad person :/
I can get like that with my brothers where we can just talk for ages about random crap, so I know I've got it in me. But like you it takes the right circumstances and they dont happen often at all. I'm too nervous with new people for that to happen and I'm not sure how many people would tolerate conversations about the giant sausage people from mars which is about the intellectual level of most of our conversations.
I like that quote, I really should watch that film some time.And well done on getting the job!
Comments 4
And congrats on the new job!
I like that quote, I really should watch that film some time.And well done on getting the job!
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