Title: Cat's Cradle Pairing: Slight Eliot/Parker; Gen Rating: K Disclaimer: Not mine Summary: Eliot, Parker, Lucille, a shoelace, a fire truck, a Red Ryder BB gun and an hour to burn.
this is perfect and adorable! Eliot and Parker are my favorites! Now I have this mental image of them on the floor at Nate's apartment playing with a fire truck together...
This is beautiful. I love your voice for Eliot. His calm understanding rooted in the physical. His ability to see Parker both as she is and as she should have been.
Also, now I have this image of Hardison trying to figure out who gave Parker the Barbie house and why. Him looking back and forth between Nate and Sophie and never even considering Eliot.
Thank you so much for posting this! It is wonderful!
Thank you, this was my first try in an Eliot pov and I'm glad it worked out. Oh my gosh, I didn't even really think about the team's reactions to the Barbie Dream House! Oh god Hardison's face!
I love it! That last line is wonderfully sweet. I don't ship them, exactly, but I like Eliot and Parker interacting. This fic made me think of that scene when she kept poking him in his bruised arm, like a pesky sibling. :)
Thank you! I don't think it's necessary to ship Eliot and Parker to love the, together. They've really got great chemistry in a number of situations :D Includng that adorable brother/sister scene
Oh, I love Eliot and Parker (and Eliot/Parker, even though canon seems to swing differently ;))! I love it that he... gets her, just in another way than Hardison or Sophie do... I think somehow they aren't as different as it appears and I think you you really caught that well here. Great story :)
Comments 22
Great job on this!
They're just so darn cute!
Fire Truck of Doom
I love your voice for Eliot. His calm understanding rooted in the physical. His ability to see Parker both as she is and as she should have been.
Also, now I have this image of Hardison trying to figure out who gave Parker the Barbie house and why. Him looking back and forth between Nate and Sophie and never even considering Eliot.
Thank you so much for posting this! It is wonderful!
Oh my gosh, I didn't even really think about the team's reactions to the Barbie Dream House! Oh god Hardison's face!
I don't think it's necessary to ship Eliot and Parker to love the, together. They've really got great chemistry in a number of situations :D
Includng that adorable brother/sister scene
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