can get really confusing and messed up can't it? In one way, it is for me, in another way, it's not really. Does that make any sense to anyone? Because it really isn't to me
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Okay, so a few people * coughJUSTINandTRACEcough * weren’t too happy with my last update because they apparantly weren’t mentioned enough. So I guess I’ll just do another one to please them...and the fact that I have nothing better to do which is sort of sad
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*laughs* okay yes there has been the whole "jailbait" ordeal lately about how Erin and I are jailbait. Isn't it funny how neither of us really look like we could be jailbait? *grins* That is so just to tease everyone :-D joke. I think all this stuff is just joking around *shrugs* with me anyway. I doubt anyone's actually serious. Erin is barely
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Finally fifteen. One more year and we can DRIVE...legally anyway. Nick's going to start teaching me to drive (it would be pretty useless to get me that KICKASS car and then NOT teach me how to drive it...). Okay, anyways...I got Aaron tickets to the Good Charlotte Radio Show today...(JOEL'S THE HOTTER TWIN!!!!). Haha, his eyes got the size of
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And now, onto my normal rambling...It's just a way to let out what you feel and make yourself feel...I don't know, calmed or relaxed. It's like a cheap form of therapy I guess. *shrugs*
I finally figured out what to get Aaron...he better like it. Some hot guys need journals...wait, let me restate that...some hot guys around my age need journals! Being single sucks :-P
Thanksgiving was good. The food was great, sat around with most of my family and had a great meal...except my big brother was missing. These are the times when I truly hate the entertainment business. When I don't get to see my siblings for holidays and stuff. I just hope Nick can make it back for Aaron and my birthday. People always ask you what
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