Application for angelendofdays

Dec 28, 2009 19:46

OOC Stuff

1) Name of some kind: Jess
2) Age: 24
3) AIM SN: lena7623
4) E-mail:

IC Stuff

1) Character Name: Angel

2) Alias: Captain Forehead, Peaches, Liam, Angelus.

3) Age: He looks to be in his mid to late twenties, but he’s actually 253 years old.

4) Background: Angel started out as a young man in Ireland who had the disposition of a surly dog. He was content to drink and whore his way through life. However, destiny had other plans for him, in the guise of Darla, who embraced him in an alley. They spent over one hundred years together, washing most of the known world with the blood of the innocent. However, fate once again intervened with a gypsy curse, giving him a soul. He spent the next one hundred years basically lurking around and hating himself. He eventually hooked up with Buffy in Sunnydale, and they had an epic relationship. However, once they slept together, his soul was set free and Angelus ruled for a while, until Buffy killed him. He came back, though, and eventually left Sunnydale, going to LA to hook up with Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn, Fred, and Lorne and forming Angel Investigations. Eventually, because they thwarted some goddess and her mission to turn humanity into mindless slaves and thus bringing world peace, Wolfram & Hart handed the keys to the kingdom over to Angel and the gang.

5) Personality: By nature, he sort of likes brooding in a corner alone, in the dark. He also likes to read poetry and listening to Barry Manilow. He is sort of socially awkward, and doesn’t always understand what to do with people and when they get upset. He does care a lot about his friends, though, and will do just about anything to protect and take care of them. He can also be stubborn and pig headed at times when he thinks that he’s right.

6) Skills: He’s got super duper vampire strength, and is really hardy as well. He’s immortal, and bullets sort of just pass through him without doing much damage. He can also fall out of buildings and not die from it. He also knows all of Barry Manilow’s lyrics! That sort of lends itself to a photographic memory. He’s also a good artist, although he tends to draw the people that he focuses a little too much on. I don’t know if this is a skill, but he’s good at looking like a kicked puppy when he’s upset.

7) Weaknesses: If he experiences a moment of happiness, he’ll lose his soul and become a remorseless killer again. Maybe not a weakness to him in particular, but bodies pile up quickly, and those bodies tend to start with his former friends. He also needs blood to eat.

8) PB: David Boreanaz

Misc. Stuff

1) Sample Roleplaying Post - 3rd person: Angel sat at his desk in his office, looking over the paperwork that Harmony had brought in for him during the day. He hated having to do this stuff, even though he knew that was sort of what he had signed up for by working at Wolfram & Hart. Well, that and working with evil to try and do good. How was he supposed to do that again? He still wasn’t sure what he was thinking. Yes, he had done it to save Connor, but actually trying to do this was a completely different question.

Others seemed to have settled into nitches at this place. Fred and Gunn especially seemed to be flourishing here. He wasn’t sure what to think of that at all. Sure, Fred was at least in the science department, but what Gunn had done was frightening. Had he really allowed others to play around in his brain in order to be a smarter lawyer?

Angel sighed, pushing the paperwork away. This wasn’t what he wanted to do right now. He wanted to be out on the streets, saving people. Unfortunately, he tended to be followed by people when he did stuff like that. So, he was stuck in this office, going over paperwork .

Angel slammed his head on the desk in frustration. He might go insane if he had to keep this up.

game: angel end of days, application

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