Since activity has somewhat tapered off, I’ve come to the decision to close the game. It’s been rough, but you’ve all shown that you’re good players and I’m glad to have done a game with you
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Who: Fred and Open Where: Wolfram & Hart training room When: 7PM Tuesday 1/12 What: Fred needs to work some things out, and talking is going no where. Status: Closed
Who: Angel and Eliot Where: Angel's Office When: 2PM Thursday 1/14 What: Eliot want's something to do. For once Eliot gets what he wants. Status: In progress
Who: Buffy and Eliot Where: Eliot's Townhouse When: 2 AM Friday 1/15 What: In which Buffy was mobbed, Eliot really dislikes vampires, and Srs business is discussed. Status: In progress
Who: Lilah and Felicia Where: Felicia's new office in Wolfram & Hart When: Tuesday Afternoon What: Lilah's first appointment with the new shrink Status: Incomplete
Who: Wesley, Angel, or anyone else. Where: Wolfram and Hart, Wesley's Office. When: Tuesday at 3pm, 1/13 What: Sitting at his desk working. Status: Complete.
Who: Open. Where: Wolfram and Hart, Fred's lab. When: Tuesday at 3pm, 1/13 What: Exploring the scientific mysteries of the apocalypse or possibly just licking wounds. Status: In progress.
Who: Open. Where: Wolfram and Hart and The Break Room. When: Thursday at 5pm, 1/15 What: Dinner at Wolfram and Hart, who'd of thought. Status: In progress.
Who: Buffy and anyone else. Where: Wolfram and Hart - Buffy's new office When: Thursday at 1pm, 1/15 What: Buffy has a lovely new office, and she's settling in. Status: In progress.