Title: Shelter From The Storm (Parent-Partners and Teenage Tauntrums Part XI)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: All the characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto
Summary: Sasori learns to show pity (at least a little bit)
A/N: I still hate the title of the series, but I really can't think of anything good. Suggestions are most welcome.
Shelter From The Storm )
Comments 3
Oncoming angst... :S
...Should I be worried that Hidan knew what a philistine are and I didn't? >_>
I actually had to look up philistine before I wrote it, becuase I wasn't quite sure about the mening, but I knew that Eroica uses it about the Major when it comes to art. Wiki says:
"The derogatory term, philistinism denotes the prudish attitude of accusing works of art to be obscene. A philistine is a "full-grown person", "whose essential nature is anti-artistic," and whose mentality is formed of the stock ideas and conventional ideas of his or her group and time""
I've gotten the impression that it is used as an insult to people who don't understand art.
According to Wiktionary it's "A person who lacks appreciation of art or culture" so I think your impression is accurate^^
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