. . .I promised you that if you would have died, that I was going down with you! And I sheet you not brotha. . .:( WHYY ARE YOU OH SO RETARDED?!?? I love you Zac , don't go dying on me now
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HoMe SwEeT mOtHeR fuDgIn HoMe!! I miss school ohhhhh soooooooo much!!!!! =( Jizzzzzz. . .so typing it up w/ one hand is a biznatchio! I think me and Senora Garcia should go bowlin 2gether sometime or somethin due to the fact i havent rub a dub dubbed in oh say a whopping 4 days?!?! SICK ACTION MICHAEL JACKSON
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Going under the knife in a solid 10 hrs! Boy o boy i tell ya:( U best be wishin me some mother truckin luck biznatchios!! =D I love all of your anuses OH SO MUCH! but no one may i repeat NO ONE can top Kyle the Pedaphiles!! I highly suggest u visit me for some company
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One Word Describe me in ONE WORD...just one word! Post this message in your journal, and see how many strange things people say about YOU. This could be fun!
So i had a lil chit chat w/ my Dr and were gonna lay off goin under the knife due to the fact TURKEY day is comin up and by golly i need both hands when i eat!!! whew! *wipes sweat off forhead* I was OH SO scared. . .i keep trying to find excuses to lay off this sucker=D
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Poooooooopppssssiiiiccclllleeee!!!!! Need i say more?! What the fudge am i supposta do when i love this certain kiddo OH SO mother truckin much and my Parental Units hate him with a passion of the christ?!?! Wise words would highly be appreciated mofo's. . .=(