I truly don't want to pile on
heidi8 when she is down, demanding instant apologies, explanations, and justification of all her actions and inactions over the past three years. That isn't polite or reasonable. On the other hand, what she is saying on her LJ is infuriating me.
Here is what I just posted to her:
When I got Angua's email, I spoke about
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You don't have a clause for people who incite hatred etc?
Come to think of it, you're not helping either.
This isn't about FA as a corporate entity. It's about a choice by people involved in FA who had reason to know better -- namely heidi, but you as well -- choosing to ignore evidence that one of your inner circle of friends was creating sockpuppets simply to stir up shit. If someone outside your group of friends had done the same, you all would have been howling for blood. Do not even pretend otherwise: heidi's made an ass of herself dashing to Cassie Claire's defense every time Cassie's plagiarism is brought up. She tried the same thing when the story on bad_penny first hit: she called it "libelous".
Last time I checked, it's not libel if it's true.
Grow a pair, turn off the spin machine, and face the music like an adult.
In this case I can see that praetorianguard is doing the former and, while I may not like the actualities being conveyed, I cannot argue with them.
That said, Heidi going emo in people's LJs over the weekend and posting what that mess was monday(the only worthwhile part being the IP match and admission that Dionne WAS sporkify) just left a bad taste around here.
That said, there will be some odium that sticks. You guys are going to be known as the people who let a woman wage such a malicious campaign against a group you didn't like. It will stick. Some of the slashers in the fandom say you guys condoned an attitude that isolated GT and led them to being the fandom's whipping boys. That's odious. Believe me I wasn't on LJ at the time this went down but I WAS in fandom, and the perception WAS out there and common. Now it can be laid at the feet of one of your former Mods and her socks. Not looking good for FA.
angua9, I'm sorry for letting my temper get the better of me in your journal. It won't happen again.
That Heidi and co (and perhaps yourself, but I don't know all the circumstances) behaved reprehensibly in not investigating further, or taking action to distance themselves from Msscribe, or at the very least holding back from mocking and belittling Angua or the GT people is another matter, but - as you have rightly said - that is a matter of PERSONAL responsibility rather than FA's legal responsibility.
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