Name: Heather
Age: 22
Location: Southern California
Positive characteristics: Determined, Empathetic, Confident, Curious, Protective, Honest, Humorous
Negative characteristics: Judgmental, Arrogant, Unorganized, Temperamental, Impatient, … a somewhat short attention span?
Neutral characteristics: Imaginative, bigger-picture-oriented
Color: Pink, though I love rainbows too. Bright colors!
Book: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix c:
Movie: Back to the Future
Food: Mongolian Beef over rice
Emotion: Inspired
Tree: Pecan
Flower: Poinsettia? tbh I don't have one
Body of Water: The gulf of Mexico
Continent: … North America, because hi I live here and this is the only place I've ever been.
Song with a sample of lyrics:
"And if you never stop when you wave goodbye,
you just mind find if you give it time you will
wave hello again
you just might wave hello again." -Wheel, John Mayer
This or That
Aggressive or Passive: Passive unless blatantly attacked. Even then, though I rage inside, I always push myself to kind of take a passive stance unless it's a situation that I can get away with being aggressive without much repercussion. Survival, lol.
Loud or Quiet: Quiet when around unfamiliar people, but loud to the point of needing to be shushed with around a group of close friends
Flamboyant or Secretive: I wouldn't call myself flamboyant, but I am open if anyone wants to ask me things. I don't just wander around telling my life story, but if you want to know about me or my opinions, I'll tell you things if you ask first.
Carnivore, Omnivore, or Herbivore: Omnivore. I adore meat and vegetables both. If I go too long without either I start to feel sick.
Warm-blooded or Cold-blooded: Warm-blooded. Even when I'd like to, I can't turn my emotions off. Doubt I've ever done a cold-blooded thing in my life.
Cuddly, Standoffish, or Dangerous: Kind of standoffish around people I'm just getting to know, but if I know you really well and you initiate, I'd be happy to cuddle.
Common or Rare: I'm having a hard time clicking with people lately, so I'm going to assume that makes me ~rare~
High, Medium or Low Energy: Low energy. The only time I'm really up and about and excited is when I'm inspired.
Flee or Fight: It's easier to flee, but if it's important enough I'll certainly give fighting my best try.
Travel or Stay: I suppose stay, though I don't know why I can't choose to stay and just travel when I want, returning home when I'm through.
Hard-working or Lazy: I daydream and fool around a lot till the last minute comes along; then I can work hard like a boss.
How would you get from one place to another? Walking, I suppose. I do like the water, though-- could I swim and then get out to walk around on land afterwards? I wouldn't fly; I like flying in planes because it's fast and I feel secure, but I'm otherwise pretty terrified of heights.
Do you live a solitary life or in a family group? I can do either; the perfect life is a mixture of the two whenever I feel like doing either.
How well do you get along with humans? Humans are alright; there are a few I trust, but it takes a while. I'm pretty surface-level-nice to them all, though.
How well do you get along with other animals? Good, I'd say. I don't really have a fear of any of em. I'll handle anything that's safe to handle at least once!
Would you prefer fur, scales, feathers, or a shell? Fur. I get cold easy due to living in southeast Texas with tons of heat; gotta keep warm somehow.
How would you protect yourself? Burrow myself away, then use my claws and teeth when things get REALLY real.
Do you plan on training your young or leaving them to fend for themselves? Aw, of course I'd train them. Poor babies!
What physical ability makes you unique? I have a great sense of balance and hardly ever fall.
Arrange the seasons from favorite to least favorite. fall, spring, winter, summer
Arrange these elements from favorite to least favorite. water/land (tied; I love the beach), air
Arrange these times from when you feel the most active to when you are the most tired. night, dusk, afternoon, noon, morning, dawn
Would you build your own home? Only if it was relatively easy to make. No climbing or searching forever to find materials, please.
Where would you be willing to live? Choose up to five.
[ ] cave
[x] city
[ ] cliffs
[ ] desert
[ ] farm
[x] forest
[x] highlands
[ ] hills
[ ] icecap
[ ] jungle
[ ] meadows
[ ] Mediterranean
[ ] mountains
[x] ocean
[ ] ponds
[ ] rainforest
[ ] rivers
[ ] savanna
[ ] steppe
[ ] swamp
[ ] tropical island
[ ] tundra
[x] with people
Anything Else?
Which one animal do you feel is absolutely nothing like you? I don't know, something with low intelligence and low adaptability/ability to survive. A domestic turkey?
[x] I have voted (or will as soon as I post this) all unstamped applications!
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