digimon adventure theme

Sep 15, 2012 05:02

Name: Roax

【 About Yourself... 】
Please describe your personality: Describing myself always makes me feel uncomfortable but...
Well, as far as personality types go I am an INTJ, a mix of The Analytical & The Independent Thinker, Type 1, and a Scorpio. While my sign fits me very well, I also find Capricorn rather fitting. My alignment would be True Neutral. I also got Quiet Loner Soul in Daemon Test but I can't exactly agree as I find it a little too passive for me. However I think Distant Loner Soul is almost spot on, though I'm not as insensitive or arrogant as the descriptions makes it to be.

As the types above imply, I am someone very distant, secretive, serious and introverted. I am a loner who is rather quiet. Quiet in a way that I don't like to speak unless I feel it's needed as I don't like useless talk. I also have strong opinions that I am not afraid to voice but I won't force them on you either. I am rather anti-social and I keep to myself most of the time but i'm not withdraw. I am quite cynical and untrusting, I tend to doubt people's intentions probably a bit more than needed. I also have a cold outlook on a lot of things which makes people describe me as such but despite that, I still have a strong sense of justice. As for myself, I think my views are simply very rational and I am not someone too emotional, I am someone who follows her brains instead of heart.

I'm also pretty critical, logical, practical. I am someone who is quite collected and calm most of the time but a few of my friends noticed my 'berserk button', which isn't probably as "berserk" as it was a few years ago when the joke came up but I still have a temper. It's easy to annoy me and it's hard to make me very angry (unless you really annoy me by default) but once you do... Even though, i am not reckless nor impulsive. I am very cautious about most of the things. I am bad with words when it comes to certain matters, especially feelings, so i often tend to say harsh things and unfortunately it's not on impulse. That is probably what makes me good in arguments, to the point when some could call me manipulative but I only act in such manner when I feel someone deserves it. (Which probably makes me sound like an ass).

I am rather apathetic towards most things but if I feel strongly about something, I become rather passionate. I don't get too attached to people most of the time but if i really start caring about someone, they become very important to me and I'd always put them before myself, even if I act the opposite. In fact, I am very bad at showing positive emotions and I had someone tell me it's hard to say what I am thinking and whether my intentions are good or not. I am generally very secretive and hate sharing anything personal.

Positive traits: Independent, strong-willed, understanding, logical, thoughtful, cunning, rather determined (but not over anything and everything), patient, rational, realistic, collected, mature, curious, observant, snarky, loyal only to those that have earned my trust.
Negative traits: Analytical, introverted, mischievous, perfectionist, private, sarcastic, smartass when annoyed, cautious, proud, very irritable, critical, stubborn, sometimes moody, short-tempered, anti-social, calm with a berserk button. Recently I have been told I sometimes can get too strict when people are not disciplined.
Please list some of your dislikes: Most of all I dislike overly selfish, stupid, idiotic, fake, ignorant, shallow, annoying, clingy, way too talkative people. Well, pretty much all the nonsense people can come up with. I do consider myself rather, or at least somewhat understanding but things like that drive me mad. I also tend get very easily irritated when someone is far too impulsive and doesn't think before doing pretty much everything. I also dislike insects quite a lot, disgusting food, unfairness, when you push me into doing something I don't want to do, talk down on me, attack me for no reason etc. I surely dislike a lot of things otl.
What is the first impression that you give others?: A lot of people think I act way too indifferent/apathetic, to the point where I might simply ignore them and don't feel bad about it. Intimidating.
How are you described by those who know you?: Hmm... sarcastic, too distant, too serious, intelligent, sharp, harsh (I just don't sugar-coat), "always in a bad mood", too proud, intense in a subtle, non in-your-face, way. Some people who know me a bit better also say that I am the type to get things done.

【 Are you more... 】
A realist, an idealist, an optimist or a pessimist: A pessimistic realist.
Cautious or Impulsive: Cautious.
Calm or Hyper: Calm.
Trusting or Cynical: So very cynical.
Leader or Follower: I have more of a leader-type personality but more of a "leading from the background" type. I hate spot-light too much to be the leader but at the same time I'm a terrible follower because I'm the one who would think for themselves and pretty stubborn to add to that.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted.
Independent or Dependent: Independent.
Persistent or Laid-Back: Persistent most of the time.
Confident or Modest: Both in a way. I am a confident person but I don't have confidence in everything.

【 General Questions... 】
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? One thing about me is that despite how much I might dislike some things about myself, I accept them, more or less anyways. If I had to pick something, I think that if i had at least a bit more self-apprecation/less self-loathing, it would make me a stronger person. I'd also like to be able to get over some things that happened in the past much faster. I hold onto things I shouldn't for way too long for it to be healthy for me.
Do you enjoy conflict or do you seek to end it as soon as you can? Neither. I don't enjoy it, nor I care about ending it. I just tend to think if something happened, maybe you just need some time. I'm pretty bad at ending conflicts though, despite rarely getting angry enough at someone to dismiss them.
Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting for quite some time. How do you react? I'd probably say something like "Excuse me, are you blind by any chance", hoping that isn't the case. If they were very arrogant, I'd probably add something to push their buttons but otherwise, I would try not to get worked up over it. Apparently they aren't intelligent enough to know what a queue is, what can you do.
Imagine yourself fighting in order to save the world, or to put an end to it depending on your ideals. What motivates you to fight? Would it be for the sake of the world, just because you felt like helping out, for a specific desire, for yourself? Probably for someone close to me or my views. While I'm not the type to really want to "save" the world, I can see myself getting involved in something like that if things I really loathe kept happening in this world more and more often. I'm not an idealist but I can't imagine being okay with this if the feeling was strong enough and I had an opportunity.
Speaking of fighting, would you play the offensive, defensive or supportive role? Mostly offensive because while I can imagine myself taking up a more tactical supportive role, I'd probably hate being responsible for someone else's life.
You've come across a powerful enemy, but are already aware you won't acquire anything tangible by beating it. Do you fight it anyway? No, unless it really annoyed me and I felt like giving it a lesson.

【 Optional 】
Are there any characters you would prefer not to be voted as?
Please list 5 recent applications you have voted on: (Do NOT recycle the links)
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