you know what would be totally awesome? if hot girls came to my house to come have sex with me you know what would totally not be awesome? if fat girls came to my house to come have sex with me
dont you hate it when you take a crap and then you think your done but your no sure but you get up anwayys and then you leave and then you realize you still have to take a crap and you go back to take a crap byut you really didnt need to ake a crap so you leave but then you do and you go back and all you do is fart?
thats right its a known fact. another well known fact is that the harder the drug the cooler you are, and the mroe you do that makes you cooler too. So someone who smokes crack is cool. if you wanna be cool you should smoke crack. and if you wanna be extra cool you should smoke as much crack as you can in the shortest amount of time.
thats right im gonan hunt down every single one of you and kill you all ESPECIALLY YOU READING THIS RIGHT NOW you must be killed first because u will reveal my plan to all
id ont see whats wrong with durnk drivin i mean come on alchol increases my drving power the more id irnk the better i drive anyone wanan race me on i-95?