Took a drive down Highway 1 yesterday for a ways just to see what there was to see. I haven’t been able to get out of town since the move here and thus was really itching to find the ocean.
Yesterday I took Rei along for an outing to drive down the coast to see just what there may be to see. For the most part there was driving, but I did stop at one place and snap a few photo’s in the afternoon light.
I have finally caved and broken my singular show habit of Evangelion figure buying, behold Skuld from Ah! My Goddess has arrived! Yep, it would take another classic to convince me to break my habit. ;-) It’s a nice large figure by Griffon Enterprises...
I thought I was pretty safe from Pullip releases this year (with the exception of Vocaloid Pullip Miku) as everything to me has been “meh”. But today I discovered what is coming for July and it has me very excited! Let me show you all the goodness that is Romantic Alice Set. =)
I am cleaning out my closet and selling some items on the lolita sales community. Angelic Pretty, Baby the Stars Shine Bright, Metamorphose - Bolero, Skirts, Shoes, Socks & More!
was in Japantown again over the weekend for a little grocery shopping and stopped at a crepe shop along the way. See the menu under the counter? Those are all crepe flavors you can order! I am giving serious thought to working my way through the list. heh
Me: Walks into the room, “Hey Rei, what are you up to over there? Browsing the net again?” Rei: Looks up and glares at being interrupted, “Umm…nothing.”