Title: Wake
Fandom- Axis Powers Hetalia/ The Sandman
Rating- Pg
Prompt and Fill -
Here Pairing- Gen
Characters- England, Japan, China, assorted Sandman Characters
A/N- Written for the Kink Meme. This is the first fic I finished for the APH fandom. I'll post this on the APH community eventually
Fic )
Comments 4
Would you consider writing how Hetalia-Sandma fics? Because I will stalk you if you did...lol /jk
Either way, brilliantly done ~♥
But yes, I think it's a great idea if you do decide to write more. I'd so love to read their interactions with all the Endless, not just Dream and Death... it's just.. I dunno. It'd be perfect!
...and now I just got an American Gods-Hetalia AU idea into my head OTL
Well, anyways, sorry for tl;dr-ing on your comments, but yes, I will have a look thru your tags and read those fics there for the time being. Also, I hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend, eventhough I have a really boring journal :/
I will eventually Have you also read a couple of the other crossover fics out there? They are linked here http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/13943.html?thread=36367479#t36367479
tl;dr-ing I don't mind I like reading
Oh man I've been eyeing the Good Omen's Hetalia crossover prompt actually on the meme but I'm saving it until I finish up a few more things I don't mind being added I'm not the most exciting person either in between my fics. I'll add you back.
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