Title: Hog's Head Characters: Lupin/Snape Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: Not mine Summary: Snape and Lupin at the Hog's Head Inn Warnings: A little angst, some silliness, and lots of sex Betas: regan_v, ion_bond, sor_bet -- Thank y'all.
Very nice! What an excellent sense of shared history in this story. They've been apart such a long time, but there's no question that these two men really knew each other. And it fits so tidily into the summer before PoA. And I love the sex. Hot, but also realistic - with two men who have real bodies. Well done.
Does this follow the same story arc as Imperfect by any chance? You know I read it as following it in my head, but then realised you never said that. I probably just made it seem that way to myself once I already got the notion in my mind.
I love the way you write. Honestly. No empty flattery intended... just out and out love the way you write. The characters are in their bodies in their scenes, there is just this real sense of reality about them, and history. It's rich and realistic.
Yes, I started this as a sequel to Imperfect but in the end I decided not to deliberately define it as that since it came out a little lighter and their relationship is more casual and not as tense. But it's totally legitimate to read it as a sequel. Imperfect actually started out as a sequel to another story but then went its own way.
Thanks for all the nice compliments. I'm glad you liked this.
Oh wow, this was brilliant. They were both so real, not just physically (though that was amazing, too) but as people - I loved the non sequiturs and the spontaneous gestures, Snape suddenly demanding to be fucked, Lupin suggesting sex in the middle of Snape's small talk. The sharpest, most painful moment was when Remus had a memory of Sirius, then lowered the newspaper to see ugly old Snape - powerful on its own, but devestating when you think of what happened afterward. I really adore their relationship as you write it - so vital and strange and real.
Thank-you. That's a really great comment. Yeah, I like to muddy up the characters' actions and motives a little bit. I think it's more realistic since real life is never very orderly and neat.
Comments 35
I love the way you write. Honestly. No empty flattery intended... just out and out love the way you write. The characters are in their bodies in their scenes, there is just this real sense of reality about them, and history. It's rich and realistic.
Thanks for all the nice compliments. I'm glad you liked this.
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