Wait, wait, you have to supply the answers to these questions! I'm starting an FAQ, and need to add these to my database - however else will we be prepared! LOL!
Yes, you are expected to provide answers! Answers may or may not be true or make any sense (see: Calvin's Dad), but I try. It's a real coup when I DO know an answer!
Worst is when I know the answer and they don't believe me. I had to call Max's physicist (grand)poppa once when "dirt and rocks" was rejected as the answer to "what's on the moon?" But ha, I was right!
Comments 3
Worst is when I know the answer and they don't believe me. I had to call Max's physicist (grand)poppa once when "dirt and rocks" was rejected as the answer to "what's on the moon?" But ha, I was right!
Then, when I didn't know, he asked me something he thought I might get: "What's the shortest river in NORTH America?"
I have no idea.
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