It's been far too long since I've posted. Part of the reason is that I've moved most of my thoughts to Facebook. The other part is that I don't really feel like I have anything interesting to post from my current assignment - Kabul - and by the time I get back from any of our vacations, I'm too focused on work to post anything
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I didn't believe the information that I was reading about the dust and dryness in Kabul. I figured it couldn't be any worse than what we had experienced in Almaty
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The packout nightmare of organizing has begun in earnest. I'm way behind where I usually am at this point. I mean, we're only a week out and I'm just now starting to think about what to put in the airfreight vs. the land freight, let alone the suitcases. I learned today that we only get one free suitcase a piece on our flight. The second suitcase
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That's all we have left in Greece. Three more weekends. I'm very sad to be going. I've really enjoyed my time here. I've felt as comfortable living here as I have in the U.S.