Avram Grumer posts at Making Light about how the Washingtion Park Police does not take kindly to young people silently dancing at the Jefferson Memorial at midnight, and deem it neccessary to manhandle and arrest a young woman who dares question their orders to disperse immediately
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I showed everything I've written so far to my prof today, and he said I have definitely enough (page-wise) for a Bachelor's Thesis now. Why then did he make me feel as if I'd never finish in time last week? I don't get it. Maybe I should have put it all in a pretty little binder weeks ago
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Spring is nice, but I'm having an awfully hard time adjusting to DST this year. My body insists on staying awake longer in the evenings, and consequently I can't get out of bed in the morning. I've been feeling tired and sluggish the whole day, and I'm not getting much done
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I've pretty much put my social activities on hold until June. There's just not enough time to go watch a movie or chat over coffee while I still have to write 20 pages for my thesis
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I'm typesetting my BSc thesis with LaTeX (not risking a Word formatting nightmare with a 40 page document), and I've installed Texmaker as an editor now. I'm slowly learning my way around it, and it's fun to see a document take the form you want
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A bunch of my relatives are showing up today for coffee to celebrate my birthday. I always stress out before things like that, thinking I need to spend far more time tidying up than I actually need.
Now I have a pretty coffee table and an hour to kill before they arrive. :D