
Apr 15, 2017 22:23

Hey, new mod here. Let's start a new post, shall we?

Let it go, let it go... )

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Comments 5015

anonymous April 15 2017, 21:16:08 UTC
That gif's hilarious lol


anonymous April 15 2017, 21:47:06 UTC
LJ, what's up with turning everything after a # into a tag link?? So annoying for challenges that have Challenge #NUMBER in the post!!!


anonymous April 15 2017, 23:01:17 UTC
probably one of the new "exciting" features!


anonymous April 15 2017, 23:51:05 UTC
Yeah, they mentioned it in their birthday news post: http://news.livejournal.com/152002.html


anonymous April 16 2017, 10:27:39 UTC
I think it's time to delete my journal. Thanks for all the fun times in the icon making world :)


anonymous April 16 2017, 10:55:39 UTC
I'm starting to getting mad to those who are deleting their journals because of the new changes. It's not that big deal *eyeroll*


anonymous April 16 2017, 10:57:38 UTC
I'm the anon from above. I haven't been on LJ in more than a year which is why I'm deleting my journal. I don't know what new changes you mean.


anonymous April 16 2017, 13:23:53 UTC
It's not only you. A lot of makers are leaving LJ and backing up everything on DW. And it's starting to be annoying, tbh...
But anyway, I'm sad you're leaving :( The icon community hasn't been very active lately and every one of us is important.


anonymous April 16 2017, 18:59:25 UTC
It is sad.
It's unlikely that the icon community or fandom communities will be able to survive this splintering between LJ and DW

And it's also unlikely that anything will actually change on LJ with the new TOS. I doubt it says anything that other social media sites don't say as well.

If anything they are after the Russian political posts, not fandom or icon creators.


anonymous April 16 2017, 11:03:41 UTC
What's the best icon you've seen recently?


anonymous April 16 2017, 13:26:58 UTC

... )


anonymous April 17 2017, 03:11:08 UTC
This is lovely, I agree


anonymous April 16 2017, 18:40:33 UTC

... )


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