Nov 10, 2005 23:42
A most glorious show. Shame to those that deny glory.
Nov 06, 2005 04:56
Tim the welder earned his name and a night in jail.
Some people have no humour
Oct 23, 2005 02:08
Bears do not like tomatoes. (weird day)
Sep 30, 2005 01:35
My parole officer has a soul. I never would have guessed. The citizenship test is very confusing, but it is much better than being locked up again.
Sep 15, 2005 20:37
A bad thing to say: "I hate you for what you believe."
Sep 05, 2005 21:47
I am usually familiar with not knowing what is going on, but things have been getting more serious lately. From what I understand, they are going to lock me up or deport me. It would suck to be deported because I forgot everything when I learned English, but it is the lesser of two evils.
Sep 01, 2005 16:43
My parole officer had me fired today.
Aug 27, 2005 23:28
I do not know what my job is anymore.
I do know that if you dress like a pirate the police will pay attention to you.
Aug 22, 2005 18:58
I got off work early today because my leg is still healing. I wonder what it is like to have someone believe you...
....I can not believe they want me to pay for the goat, but I still believe werewolf > vampire.