Here there be ficage! Sorry the new version looks so rough.I'm having a really, really hard time with LJ right now, and frankly, I don't have time to screw with it. If you figure out how these godawful cuts work, please let me know! Anyway, here's all the Star Trek fanfic I've written so far. My memories are probably a better place to find them than here.Hope it finds you well:)
Multi-Chapter fic:
"Defiant" by ansley15 StarTrek2009
rating: PG for this chapter, but rating will go up ALOT.
Parings: Kirk-Spock friendship and pre-slash (later slash), Chekhov/Sulu, Scotty/Uhura, Gaila/Kirk, Kirk/Gary Mitchell. Also a friendship/gen fic about the crew.
Summary: A correctional facility for juvenile delinquents was the last place Spock planned to be spending his golden years, much less meet the group of friends who became his family, and the boy who was a walking revolution.
Warnings: will eventually include violence, mentions of terrorism, drugs, sexual situations with teenagers (including explict slash), mentions of abuse, mind torture, and angst.
Complete: No
“Theta Nix” StarTrekIX
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: R
Summary:After Spock is killed on a mission to a planet run by time-altering aliens, Kirk stops at nothing to bring back the man he has just realized he has feelings for. But Kirk, of all people, should know a Captain cannot cheat death...
Warning: MAJOR CHARACTER death (but not necessiarly a permanent one..see summary), gore, violence, slash, language, references to futuristic drug use (but not by any character in Star Fleet.)Do not read unless you are prepared for ANGST. You have been warned.
Complete: Yes
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Coming soon for ks_advent! (Yes. I've started already. Don't judge me.)
One-shots NOT in the "heat-verse"
“As If” PG (mild language)
Genre and Tropes: AU, Academy fic, genderswap, friendship
Characters: Uhura-centric story. Uhura, Gaila, and always-a-girl!Kirk friendship (budding Spock/Uhura, and a tad of Kirk/Gaila femmeslash)
Discription: When Nyota Uhura is falsely accused of academic dishonesty, her most unlikely ally comes in the form of a girl also falsely accused of many things. First in the genderswap!Kirk verse. Inspired by an unfilled prompt on the kink-meme about Uhura being befriended by Gaila and always-a-girlKirk in an hour of need.
"Heat-verse": A series of one-shots about the complicated but committed polyamorous relationship of James Kirk, Spock, and Nyota Uhura. Aside from "heat" (the first one) they are in no particular order.
“heat” by ansley15 Kirk/Spock/Uhura
Summary: Kirk knew a storm when he saw one, and this had been brewing in quiet desperation for months. When Spock goes into pon farr while he, Kirk, and Uhura are stranded on a planet and needs both humans to save him,
uncomfortable truths edge to light.
“two thirds of the universe” established Kirk/Spock/Uhura, but Kirk-Uhura centric
Summary: Sequel to “heat.” When Spock has to spend shore leave away from his lovers, they question what their relationship to each other is without him. Inspired by this prompt on the kink-meme: "I am interested in exploring the dynamics of two members of a threesome when one of the members is away."
"view from the outside"
Pairings/characters: McCoy multi-friendship with establish Kirk/Spock/Uhura
Summary: From the outside, all angles are revealed at different times. McCoy's reflections on the threesome.
"gray" Kirk/Spock/Uhura
summary: in your darkest hours, we shall be there to guide you home. A mission
causes Kirk to dream of Tarsus IV's aftermath.
“Revelation” Kirk/Spock/Uhura (with a brief mention of another polyamorous relationship,TOS!Kirk/TOS!Spock, and implied pre-McCoy/Chapel.)
Summary: 5 people a member of the triad came out to who didn't understand, and one who did. Unconditionally.