So given the Liberal party has gone mad and elected a self-declared climate change denier, ultra-conservative christian with archaic views on women's rights, I'm now hoping for a rather spectacular implosion and possibly a double dissolution
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Comments 6
Through my current exposure and experience with The Greens, I would not vote for them again and don't trust them as far as I can throw them (and some of them are Big people). I worry that knee-jerk reaction to current politics will see larger numbers of Greens and other reps unprepared and unable to lead (as has happened in my direct experience) be placed in positions of power. More than anything I would like to see more equal represenation between multiple parties and independents, perhaps with the Democrats rebuilding themselves and the Coalition splitting back in to their own factions (and maybe Liberal should split in two; the Conservative party and the Liberals or other suitable name). I no longer believe anyone should have the balance of power in their hand and more representation across the board should be sought.
What I don't want to see is an increase in morons like Stephen Fielding. I'd be content with Labor holding what they've got, with maybe a mild increase in majority, while the Nationals and Libs lost ground to other parties. Less fond of independents unless they are incredibly sane and rational people.
I'd also like see some of the oldies who are going slightly mad (like Wilson Tuckey) move over and let some of the younger members have a go.
Balance of power is all very well, but if it is too close a split, then it becomes an obstacle for policy progress (which is effectively why double dissolution provisions
But I did briefly entertain a decision/ policy making process loosley based on 'dib-dib-dob' and other rhymes to find out who was 'it' for tiggy in school. But that would be as wildly ludicrous so I guess we should just stick with what we know.
And yes, if we can start cloning Bob Brown, that would be an infinite improvement on politics and decent human beings in general... though awfully same same in the end.
1. He is eminently unlikeable for anyone with moderate or Leftist views.
2. He is leading a split party.
3. That isn't going to change in the next 6 months.
The latest the next election can be is the 24th (26th? not sure how they count weekends....) of November. So, assuming they can acheive a DD (before the Xmas break) at all, they would not be polling until at least January.
The best krud gains from that is an additional 8 months (of which 6 or less will actually be sitting months), against a leader who'll get torn apart after he loses the election anyway. Barring a miracle, the libs are going down next election (I vote conservative, but I won't be with this mob until they sort themselves out) and I just can't see krud wasting that extra 8 months in government for the unlikely chance of an absolute mandate in reps and senate.
Add to that the balancing factor of the educated part of the electorate recognising that this is simply an opportunistic grab for
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