Title: Autobots and Jaegers and Kaiju (Oh, my!)
'Verse: 2007/09/11 Transformers. Pacific Rim crossover.
Characters: Prowl. Jazz. Bay'verse TFs and humans. No Pacific Rim humans appear in this fic.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Parenthesis overuse.
Notes: For the
Sept '13 Anniversary Challenge at the PxJ comm
I got this bunny the day I saw Pacific Rim... )
Comments 20
Nice work. *nuzz* :3
The Quintesson/Kaiju connection was a brilliant stroke of plot (and jeez, now *I've* got bunnies! *sweeps them away*) and it was a flawless melding of 'verses!
Your Jazz and Prowl were spectacular, and extra points goes to you for the epic Simmons--I would pay any amount in the world to be a fly on the wall if he and Red Alert ever met! XD
This was truly amazing, but I think the exact moment I fell in love with this fic was when Sarah Drifted morning sickness to Will. I had to stop reading I was laughing so hard!
Seriously epic!
I like Simmons :3 I think when he and Red Alert meet, everyone else won't know if it's them trying to one-up each other or just foreplay. And yes, Sarah is very sneaky ;p
Thanks for reading :3
That said, this was a wonderful crossover! (I love crossovers. It's just so hard to find good ones.) I like how Prowl and Jazz's relationship was the soft-focus that lead to the resolution of "who is the enemy?"
I want to see Red and Simmons meet too. They can ride off into the sunset planning contingency plans for their contingency plans together ^_^
This was a work of brilliance. A flawless crossover. Oh, I can see it. I can SO see it. (And, scarily, it makes slightly more sense together than either of the movies did apart.)
Well done!
The Kaiju being silicon based was practically a giftwrapped bunny. Kaiju Blue was the bunny delivering itself to my doorstep complete with notebook and writing set :p
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