Title: Countdown
Rating: G
Pairing: Hisagi Shuuhei + Kira Izuru
Notes/Warnings: My version of the night before the big battle. A failed attempt at angst. Theme #50 Writer's Choice: Countdown @
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of its sexy characters. I just borrow them and make them do my nasty bidding. They like it. A lot. >:)
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Comments 21
The angst was good, I don't know what you're talking about. It was deep and moving, very detailed to the point it's so easy to picture every scene. I can envision the sadness and melancholy feel of it all. You delivered the theme so wonderfully.
Now Izuru be comforting Shuuhei here, I presume? Considering it's usually the other way around, it would be most intriguing. Either way, I'm looking foward to the next chapter~ Your one shots are great as they are, seeing that you'll make this a multi-chaptered piece makes me anxious.
Cee is awesome, she brings out so much in everyone, yes? ♥
And thank you! I've always had difficulties with detail and have always relied on just dialogue, especially in angst, so it's really nice to know I've improved.
And yes, Cee is awesome. I want to bottle her up and sell her under the label "Happy Juice". XD
Thank you for reading and commenting! As always, your insightful comments leaves little to be desired! ♥
I liked it and wait for the To Be continued! :DDDD
Where do people get prompts and stuff? I want to start writing more for the fanfic comm, but feel out of the loop. Dx
And prompts? You can get 'em in lots of places but you have to claim a pairing or a person first. In some communities you can claim an entire series in general!
50scenes is good because a character or pairing can be claimed by more than one person. Then there are all the others like 30_romances, 30_kisses, 100_prompts and 30_lemons. If you wanna start small there's 7rainbowprompts and 7snogs. You can also type "prompts" in the find bar and search under Interests and pick a comm of your choice.
But if you don't wanna join any more comms you can make a post in some of the comms you're already in asking for a prompt or two. That's always fun.
Trust me, there are millions of prompts out there just waiting to get their paws on you! Good luck and I hope to see your writing soon!
And thank you for reading and commenting! ♥
I think I'm just going to post in some of the comms I know just to get a feel and then maybe go onto those communities, but thanks for letting me know about them! Some of them I've never heard of...
Manly tears are manly. Just ask Maito Gai from the Naruto-verse. He sheds manly tears every screen time he gets.
And I haven't read a fic for the recent chapters et though maybe that's because I'm really picky with what I read. Let's hope this one is right up there with the others, eh?
...actually let's hope this one gets updated and finished. X.x
Thank you for reading and commenting, Kai! ♥
Yes, TBC is good, because that means there's more. Right? XD
And yes there is more! ...in my head! As for getting it into writing? Well, that's another story. XD
Thank you for reading and commenting! ♥
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