Heehee...hallo all, most of whom are already in this house. And gemmypants, gosh I miss you... :(
Weather: Clear, cold and dry Metaphorical: Clear, Cold and dry...causing chronic nose bleeds - ewww Song of The Day: Lola Stars and Stripes, the Stills Meat of The Month: Possum (in bush tomato casserole)
Weather: Cold-inducing Metaphorical weather: Sleeting...stay in bed Song of the day: Anybody wanna take me home? - Ryan Obvious Uses for Sheep's Fleece number 47: Clothing for kamikaze wolf
Well, I've made it over the midweek hump. tomorrow is friday (Does Snoopy dance)
Song of the Day: Heart of Glass (sung only as mioaws) Weather: A little too warm, sunny Metaphorical weather: Clearing. May rain alcohol over the weekend. Bizarre food combination: Bacon and maple syrup