Sep 16, 2003 09:45
i made a new lj. post here if you want to be on it. its going to be a more personal journal and friends only too.
Sep 16, 2003 08:09
does anyone have a livejournal code i can have?
Sep 15, 2003 18:31
i think im gonna quit my job. it fucking sucks, i get no hours, and not enough money.
im thinking of working at paolo's best buy and maybe work customer service with him. or ill try gamestop by my house or something.
Sep 15, 2003 12:28
i get to leave in 1/2 an hour xD then off to work at 2.
Sep 15, 2003 11:23
soooooooooooooooooooooooo boring :(
Sep 15, 2003 10:39
yey, justin (xiayu) won me iidx 4th style :) hopefully he will recieve it soon and then can give it to me.
Sep 15, 2003 09:51
bored in class. rei from eva is cool xD
Sep 15, 2003 08:09
what is the true meaning of friends