yeah i lack motivation this semester too! I figured out what classes are skippable lol. That's a bad thing. I guess that since you say that if somethin interests you then it's a bad thing cause you don't want to do it. So I guess I interest you and you want to do me? lol j.k that was dirty. I deserve to be slapped or somethin.
later o and i forgot, thursday i have a basketball game. So i can't make the play thing. Sorry bout that.
hahah...that was hilarious! and yeah, AOII is going to the basketball game Thursday night as well and I don't think that I will be able to go to the play because we have to go to the basketball game. I'll just have to go to the other 2 plays this semester...not fun!
I traveled to Chalmette Yesterday actually. I know exactly what you mean about missing everything. Sometimes you just have to get away for things to make sense...well I do anyway.
yeah, I definitely know what you mean when you say that sometimes you just have to get away from stuff to make sense. I also think that sometimes you have to get away to realize what you have...I hate to say it but sometimes I take for granted the things that I do have (if that made any sense).
Comments 5
later o and i forgot, thursday i have a basketball game. So i can't make the play thing. Sorry bout that.
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