The Future Not Promised Chpt. Fourteen

Dec 09, 2007 03:54

Chapter Fourteen: Cat Problem

"Um..guys..I don't really think we should be doing this," Uruha whispered nervously.
Ruki's mother, Uruha's mother, Ruki and Uruha were standing on a busy street corner, spying on Midori. They were following her around all day, recording what she did, who she did it with. They were now hiding behind a tall gray marble building with tinted windows and security guards.
"Oh lighten up, darling. Here, have a sandwich." Uruha's mother smilingly handed Uruha a sandwich. Uruha looked confusedly at the sandwich, then put it into his coat pocket. It was December now, and quite cold. Snow fell onto the rushing passerbys, who occasionally stared at the group. Uruha didn't blame them, they were quite a sight.
Uruha's mother (who usually didn't wear pants) was wearing a pink dress suit, with a billowing skirt, pearls and a big straw hat with matching pink ribbon. She carried a large picnic basket, from which she gave Uruha the sandwich.
Ruki's mother was wearing an outfit similar to Uruha's mother's, only dark blue in colour and she wore a pair of large opaque purple sunglasses.
And Ruki insisted on wearing one of his disguises from the shopping trip where they first met Midori. It consisted of an electric pink feather boa, red sunglasses with winged and bejewelled frames, orange and blue striped acrylic nails, a dirty-blonde wig with dreadlocks and coffee-brown highlights, and a green plaid trenchcoat.

In other words, they stood out.
Uruha didn't know whether this was good or not. He rubbed his gigantic belly, feeling the baby move around. He didn't care whether Aoi wanted the baby or not. If he really were cheating on him, then Uruha would want to keep the baby. He felt as if he already had a connection with it, something besides the obvious physical connection that they already have.
"Quiiiiiiiiiickk!! She's coming!" Ruki's mother hissed. They all hastily shuffled behind the wall of a tall building, and watched Midori stepped out of it and into a car. "OOohh. Her car's nice. Copy down the license plate, Ruki dear," Ruki's mother continued.
"Love her shoes," Uruha's mother beamed from the ground, where she spread a picnic blanket and set up their lunch. People on the streets were having an awkward time stepping around the food and blanket. Others just didn't care and dropped their cigarette butts and stepped on the once pristine blanket with their slush-encrusted shoes.
"MOM! Get up from there! It's not very safe to do that when you're downtown!" Uruha helped his mother up and held the basket as Ruki helped pick up the sandwiches and brush off the blanket.
"She got away!" Ruki's mother squawked when the car quickly drove away.
"Well, this totally sucks. The wicked bitch of west got away." Ruki frowned.
"Let's just go home," Uruha pleaded.
"Why? Aren'cha feeling well?" Ruki asked.
Uruha saw his way out. "Well. Now that I think about it, I'm feeling kind of tired..." Uruha coughed slightly, to add dramatic effect.
"Oh FINE. It was fun while it lasted. We'll take it up again tomorrow." Ruki's mother clapped her hands and two tall men appeared, taking the basket out of Uruha's mother's hands, and escorting them to their ride home.

 "So. What'cha doing?" Uruha walked into Ruki and Reita's room, where Ruki had set up a laptop and seemed to be Facebook-ing like crazy with his eyes glued to the screen. Reita was on the bed with his eyes closed.
"Oh, like, the usual. How are you?"
"Aoi called."
"Yeah, he's coming back in a week."
"Ohh.. That means that we have, like, a week to destroy Midori!" Ruki stamped his fingers with force onto the keyboard.
"What's this about destroying someone?" Reita asked from the bed. 
"Oh, nothing. Just some conspiracies, a little business here and there." Ruki said lightly. Uruha nodded.
"You know what business I want to do right now?" Reita asked Ruki again, sitting up this time.
Ruki turned from the computer to roll his eyes at Uruha. Uruha giggled. Reita walked over to the little desk, towering over Ruki and picking him up to smother him in a huge kiss, with lots of tongue. Ruki's hands laced into Reita's hair and Reita grabbed at Ruki's butt. Ruki straddled Reita standing up (yes, Ruki is that short) and Reita walked around the room blindly, still devouring at Ruki's lips. Uruha edged towards the door, in fear that they will manage to coax him into a threesome. Knowing Ruki, he just might. The two bumped into the wall and staggered towards the bed, still managing to keep their lips interlocked. Uruha creeped out of the room and closed the door softly.

"Oh hello, dear!" Uruha's mother was at the top of the stairs, carrying a basket full of fresh laundry. She was walking into Uruha and Aoi's old room, where she and Ruki's mother stayed in, currently. "Just did some laundry. I found some baby clothes in the room and washed it in that Ivory Snow soap I used when YOU were just a baby yourself. You were such a delightful baby. You cried less than Sayuri and Kazuki, that's for sure, " She continued, referring to Uruha's older sisters. "How fast children grow up...It seemed only yesterday that I was bandaging your scraped knees." Uruha's mother sighed, rambling on as she went into the room to fold the clothes.
Uruha sighed himself, feeling bad for his mother. She had to watch one of her children be stuck in a situation such as this.
He walked down the stairs, finding Ruki's mother reading a copy of Good Housekeeping that she brought on the red loveseat. 
"Hello there, Uruha dear." She said.
"How are you." She asked, looking up from the magazine. There was a loud thud from upstairs. They both looked up at the ceiling.
"What was that..." She scratched at her chin.
Uruha immediately thought of Ruki and Reita doing God knows what upstairs. "Um..I don't know...Probably a cat fell on the roof. Yeah, we have a real cat problem here." Uruha improvised. He silently congratulated himself on his quick thinking. Yes, go Uruha.
"Hmm. Do we now..." Ruki's mother stood up and speed-walked upstairs. Uruha stalked behind her quietly.
To his immense horror, Ruki's mother flung open the door of Ruki and Reita's bedroom and stood at the doorway.
"Hello, Ruki dear. Please don't make so much noise. I can hear you from downstairs. Oh, and Reita, get off my son and put that shirt back on. No one needs to see that." She brushed passed Uruha as she walked back downstairs again. Uruha peeped in to see what had happened.
Reita, was indeed shirt-less and was lying on one side of the bed and Ruki the other, as is Reita had just rolled off Ruki. Ruki was still fully clothed and both had on a hilariously shocked and startled expression on their faces. They didn't seem to notice Uruha and Uruha backed out.
Uruha managed to contain his laughter until he reached his own room, where he sat on the bed and burst into an insane fit of laughter. It lasted several minutes until his stomach hurt and the baby kicked in annoyance. Still giggling, Uruha caressed the bump and patted it. "Sorry." He said to it. Uruha then suddenly visionized his baby, toddling around then walking and witnessing what Ruki's mother just saw. Oh my.
Uruha started to laugh again.
Ruki popped his head in.
"Hey." Uruha said.
"Hi," Ruki grumbled and plopped down on the bed beside Uruha. "You saw what just happened, right?"
Uruha nodded, trying not to laugh at poor Ruki.
"Yeah. I don't have any, like, privacy! Seriously. No one does in this house. Totally."
"Here's a thought! Stop doing things you shouldn't be doing in broad daylight!"
"Hmph. Well, like, easy for you to say. Reita's like, horny all, the freakin' time, God, seriously... And when he talks to you, you feel like doing anything and I so totally mean anything, he asks you to matter how, like, degrading it is the next day..."
"LALALA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Uruha covered his ears to avoid hearing anymore of Ruki's complaints about Reita being horny.
"Mm. Well. I'm gonna, like, go out for some food. Wanna go anywhere?"
Uruha considered for a moment.


"HELL. Yes." Ruki relaxed in Kai's heated apartment after 15 minutes standing around in a freezing cold subway. Kai was in the kitchen, getting drinks and Uruha was sitting with Ruki on the white couch, playing with Miyabi and Itoshii. Miyabi could now throw things and Itoshii could roll over. Their personalities were beginning to show too. Miyabi was fun, but boisterous and according to Miyavi, liked to cry at 3, 4, and 6AM in the morning. Itoshii was sweet, rarely cried, but occasionally gets awakened by Miyabi's morning wails and cried along with him.
The apartment was five rooms in total. One bedroom and washroom for Miyavi and Kai, one bedroom and washroom for the twins when they grow older, and a joined dining, living and cooking area.
"Alright." Kai set the mugs of hot chocolate down onto the wooden coffee table.
"So what's new with you, Kai?" Uruha asked, taking a sip.
"Miyavi's in Switzerland. I mentioned one thing that I fancied, and BAM! he flies there to get it for me. That man spoils me," Kai beamed at a framed picture of him on the clean white counter of the kitchen.
"Oooh! Marshmallows. And a candy cane?" Ruki fished the little candy out of his mug and looked at Kai.
"It's nearly Christmas! Getting into the spirit!" Kai said cheerfully, picking Itoshii up and cradling him in his arms.
"OH! Right. Time to start the Christmas shopping, eh, Uruha?" Ruki nudged Uruha with his elbow.
"OOOH! Let's all start now! Nothing like shopping to get Midori out of your head!" Kai said excitedly. "Oops." 
"Midori..." Uruha looked thoughtful. "What should I get her for Christmas?"
"Nothing." Kai said simply.
"Oh! For the first day of Christmas you should give that bitch, a bitch slap to show her whose booosss." Ruki sang the old Christmas carol, modifying the lyrics to make it fit with the occasion. Kai and Uruha laughed and the twins clapped their little hands. Ruki stood on the coffee table and bowed.

The trio left the babies with the moms in the house, and decided to do some Christmas shopping at the nearest, mega-mall. It was fun, but squished. Many people decided to do the same, strangely enough. 
Inside a little boutique, Ruki went slightly crazy and declared to buy a bunch of thongs for Reita to jumpstart a promising collection and tried to convince the other two to do the same.
"Err...I think I'll pass..." Kai said, looking up from the lacey sock display to pat Ruki on the shoulder.
"Yeah, Ruki. I think I'd rather buy some cologne for Reita. You buy the thongs."
"FINE. I WILL! JUST, LIKE, WATCH ME." Ruki stomped towards the thongs, where he grabbed a leopard-skin, a black pair, a red pair, several sequined ones, and, to their great amusement, Spongebob ones. 
"Spongebob, Ruki?" Kai asked doubtfully.
"Why not? Reita loves Spongebob." Ruki said defensively.
"Sure, sure. I'm surprised that the store even carries those," Uruha said, shrugging.
"Find anything?" Ruki inquired.
"Yeah, I really liked the purple pants you gave me that one time, the ones with the thigh-thingies? They were really comfy. I found a pair in black!" Uruha held them up triumphantly.
"Oh yes. You do have totally gorgeous thighs, hun." Ruki nodded.
Kai shook his head. "This store isn't really me." He said.
"Then let's pay and go."

They shuffled out of the store and went into an Apple store, where Kai got an iPhone for Miyavi. He was getting it wrapped in some nice silver paper while Ruki was putting on a performance for the employees and customers by standing on a display and singing random words to a melody he made up.
He was surprisingly good.
"...I swore I at that time.
 I will walk life that shines highest;
There is no fear. It gets it over though, there is a painful day too!
Now let’s go. The wing expands and goes,
To look for freedom and the glory.
The world that extends to the place waits,
Surely for you..."
People whistled, looked embarassed, dropped yen bills in a pile in front of him, clapped, all sorts of things. The employees didn't escort him out; they were even getting attention from the people outside, luring them in.
When Kai was finished, everyone applauded for Ruki, who hammed it up and bowed. Uruha beamed at Ruki when he finally climbed off the display and left the store. 
"You should be famous, Ruki!" Kai said happily.
"Thank you, Kai!" Ruki looked pretty pleased with himself. They kept walking.
Uruha sighed in contentment as he continued along the mall with his two closest friends, forgetting about Midori, even if it only for a little while.

well. now its 7:05AM. my neck hurts, but come hell or high water i FINISHED! 8D
as you know; comments are love.

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