I've been doing my internet 7 degrees of separation thing again, and sometimes.. You just find gold.
I started off with telepathy, then it went to South Park, then dead rappers, and finally..
Shelter children stories.
Some of it amazes me.. The Blue Lady, Bloody Mary and war in Heaven and downtown Miami.
Jul 23, 2010 21:43
More drama. Was walking home from a local coffee shop, and ended up calling in the fire department for a truck that got set on fire.
And I never noticed that there was a second one set in a pile of pallets across the street from where I was walking. Called it in, and waited around long enough to talk to the fire investigator.
Jun 25, 2010 18:03
Note to ISP: when my name pops up in your database as "Christoph" and you continue to refer to me that way throughout our customer satisfaction conversation..
You need to increase the number of letters in your database name field.
And hire telephone reps people with a clue.