- Cleaned all the garage sale stuff out of the garage and reboxed it, setting some of it aside to take to Goodwill (probably the one up near work, as we really don't like the shoddy way our local one organizes stuff
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If anyone has a copy of The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Plays the Music of R.E.M, I will love you pretty much forever if you hook me up with "Nightswimming." The internets are not surrendering it to me and the album isn't available for download on Zune Marketplace.
I don't know how we missed this before, but looking at the bell pepper plants today, in preparing to repot some of them, I saw the first actual baby pepper on one of them
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This is a recipe I found about a month ago in the advertising supplement we sometimes get on Sunday mornings. We first tried it this past Saturday night in preparation for company on Monday. What I'm presenting here includes the changes we made between the first attempt and the second attempt, and also some comments on parts of it
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Given the propensity of the internet to claim that CAD-guy steals all his ideas from other sources, I'm kind of surprised I can't find any actual rampant fanwank on this particular instance.
There are some themed mixtapes I want to make and have wanted to make for a while. Y'all have been awesome in the past developing mixtapes. Now help again
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Thanks to a sale at Target, we have way more Microsoft points than I would like to discuss. Suggest songs I should buy for my Zune. My current guilty pleasure, which I kind of hate myself for, is sadly unavailable for download
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