A dark, empty road streches out before me. The first glimmers of sunlight are giving the completly fog covered road an errie gleam as "Highway to Hell" comes onto my radio...yes...today was going to be a great day
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School starts up again tomorrow, and I'm rather excited. I miss the learning and everything. Anyway, my schedule is about to get INSANELY crazy, so if you don't see me often that's why. My schedule is below
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Sooo! This weekend, I got my first tastes of being in a shield wall of about fifty guys, staring down the field at another shield wall with the same number of people. What a chill! Let me start from the begining
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My knight sent me this through e-mail. It is extremly touching and I encourage you to send it to your friends and family. Please enjoy
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Please, PLEASE vote for me! This is a contest to win a trip to England for three friends and to meet the cast of Harry Potter. Please vote! The more votes I get, the more chances I have to win. You can vote once a day. Love you all!!
Just so you all know, this journal is now a friends only journal, so if you want to be added, you need to e-mail me at aratocriel@leaves-of-gold.net with who you are and your LJ name so I can give you access.