I'm sorry you had a bad morning. Shopping for clothes can really get you down sometimes, especially if you're convinced it shouldn't be that difficult!
Trousers: I recommend something like these. They work like the ones I bought at the Strawberry Fair, and you don't have to try them on because they fit basically any size depending on how tight you tie them. If that link doesn't work (I'm not good at HTML) there's a whole list of similar trousers here (copy and paste): http://clothes.search.ebay.co.uk/thai_Trousers_W0QQfltZ9QQfrisZ2QQfromZR8QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQsacatZ53307... )
PS Now look what you've done. I found these and I want them ALL. Pretty colours! I will not, of course, buy any, because I am a strong person of much willpower and besides, I've spent far too much money on eBay already (although in my defence, nearly all of it was spent on stuff I needed for the summer and next year!). However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't buy any. They keep you cool, they're incredibly comfortable and you can wear them anywhere. Although I would not recommend buying the lighter colours, because when I bought my black ones at school all my friends bought pink or light blue, and you could see their knickers through them.
Lydia, those trousers are lovely, and as soon as I get back from Italy I shall definitely invest in some. I've always admired yours! I like the turquoise ones very much but I imagine they'll be gone by the time I return, and I haven't looked at sizes. Thank you muchly. As for Pirates - if you're in the mood for something completely and utterly ridiculous (even though it drags a little in the middle) and don't mind men in eyeliner, yes, see it! Cxxx
I knew you'd like the turquoise ones! And I am always in the mood for ridiculous cinema. Also, I want to know how Captain Jack came to have several sets of extra eyes painted on him in the trailer.
Oh, er, sorry, I shouldn't edit posts after they've been there five minutes! She said I shouldn't not wear a bra because it made me look funny. Unfortunately on that occasion I looked in the mirror and agreed with her. I am also looking up info on whether it really does make you sag. Meanwhile I am reaccustoming myself to them.
As for Solihull... I tend to be more efficient on my own, though I may be going in with mum. But if I get bored/fed up... I could ring and we can meet up for a bit, maybe.
Does the opposite, apparently. Type 'breast ligaments' into Google and you'll get a whole load of articles about it with really long words in (after having looked at www.brafree.org/bfresearch.htm and http://www.goaskalice.columbia.edu/1729.html I don't think I shall ever wear one again!).
Oh, until I'm old and they are quite obviously down to my elbows. Then I'll probably start wearing them again. Although Mrs Laurie's are still looking quite perky...
Comments 8
Trousers: I recommend something like these. They work like the ones I bought at the Strawberry Fair, and you don't have to try them on because they fit basically any size depending on how tight you tie them. If that link doesn't work (I'm not good at HTML) there's a whole list of similar trousers here (copy and paste): http://clothes.search.ebay.co.uk/thai_Trousers_W0QQfltZ9QQfrisZ2QQfromZR8QQfsooZ1QQfsopZ1QQsacatZ53307... )
I will not, of course, buy any, because I am a strong person of much willpower and besides, I've spent far too much money on eBay already (although in my defence, nearly all of it was spent on stuff I needed for the summer and next year!).
However, that doesn't mean that you shouldn't buy any. They keep you cool, they're incredibly comfortable and you can wear them anywhere. Although I would not recommend buying the lighter colours, because when I bought my black ones at school all my friends bought pink or light blue, and you could see their knickers through them.
As for Pirates - if you're in the mood for something completely and utterly ridiculous (even though it drags a little in the middle) and don't mind men in eyeliner, yes, see it!
And I am always in the mood for ridiculous cinema. Also, I want to know how Captain Jack came to have several sets of extra eyes painted on him in the trailer.
As for Solihull... I tend to be more efficient on my own, though I may be going in with mum. But if I get bored/fed up... I could ring and we can meet up for a bit, maybe.
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