Title: Nino’s Present [2]
arashi07 Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Never own them, and probably never will....probably!
Summary: AU. Nino got himself a birthday present.
A/N: I want to give millions of Nino's magic cards to
himitsu_17 , if not for her, this fic will never ever pops it's head here. XDD Enjoy? ><
Chapter 1 (
“Ninomiya-kun?” )
Comments 15
I'm so so happy! I had think about your fic about all the holidays <3
And know *-* I can read it and I love!
Thank you for the Nino's magic cards <3 I'm happy <3
I can't exprim my feeling but of course I'm really .. KYAAA!
Update soon plz~~~~!!!!!!!! T.T I luv ittttttt x3
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