(no subject)

Sep 27, 2009 11:00

Title: Step and Go
Rating: PG13 (some language)
Pairing: Juntoshi, Sakuraiba
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: I guess Johnny’s technically owns Arashi, huh? Not me.
Chapter: Nine of ten (+prologue and epilogue)
Summary: Nino convinces Ohno to participate in a “who can seduce Jun first” contest after a particularly troublesome rehearsal.

Previous: Prologue, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight

Chapter 9

Ohno looked around the boisterous table and wondered what about this, exactly, is a double date?

Aiba had followed through on his previous threat of making Ohno and Jun go out with him and Sho, but he continued to fret over what to do with Nino even after Ohno simply suggested inviting him along as well. Leader knew it would turn into the group hanging out like they usually did, but if it appeased Aiba’s desire for a double date it wouldn’t matter, right?

The animal lover apparently knew the difference, though, and spent over a week thinking of a solution to a problem that was mostly in his head. Ohno could not understand his reason or why he was putting so much effort into something so miniscule.

Finally, Aiba had come up with an answer, one that was blaringly obvious and that Leader wished wouldn’t have taken him so long to find.

“So, all we need to do is find Nino a date, right? Even though it’ll be a triple date instead of a double date…” This, of course, was followed by a giggle and a victorious smile.

Sho gave his boyfriend a deadpan look, Jun raised an eyebrow and Ohno’s expression didn’t change at all.

“Ne, ne?” Aiba continued when the other three members didn’t respond to his suggestion. After a moment, Jun sighed.

“Good idea, Aiba,” he said in a flat voice, not even trying to hide his disappointment at the anticlimactic suggestion.

“Thanks, Jun-kun!” Aiba smiled sincerely, apparently not noticing the other idol’s underlying sarcasm.

“Where are we going to find a date for Nino?” Sho started, but was almost cut off as Jun started talking directly after him.

“I think the question is do we even want to? I mean, wouldn’t it just be like Arashi hanging out and then some random person tagging along?” Jun raised his hand to gently run through his hair as he turned to Sho.

“That’s a good point,” the newscaster responded, his mouth turned down in a thinking frown. Ohno watched patiently as the two began their own private conversation about Aiba’s suggestion, the animal lover himself turning to Ohno and smiling.

Ohno blinked at him a few times.

Just because Jun and Sho thought that they could come up with a better solution without the other two didn’t mean that Ohno was obligated to congratulate Aiba or try to come up with his own suggestion.

Well, actually…

Aiba looked like he was about to say something despite the chatter of the Jun and Sho pair, but Ohno cleared his throat before his band mate got anything out.

The animal lover raised his eyebrow at Ohno, probably surprised that he had something to add, since Leader usually let the other members do whatever they wanted without interruption. Actually, Ohno had the perfect solution, but the other two Arashi members seemed too caught up in their own conversation to hear him.

Ohno cleared his throat again, basically coughing into his fist, and stared at the duo. Sho was making a face at Jun’s suggestion that they find a comedian, and Jun didn’t look like he had noticed his supposed boyfriend.

“Ne,” Aiba broke in, staring at the pair like Ohno was. Leader looked at Aiba out of the corner of his eye with a little gratitude. It wasn’t in character for the oldest member to just break into the conversation, especially when he had to raise his voice to be heard, and Leader was relieved that Aiba wanted to help him. “NEE, NEEE, SHO-CHAN” Aiba basically yelled, after also being ignored by the pair.

Upon hearing his name, Sho faced his boyfriend with an uplifted eyebrow. Jun also turned, curious at Aiba’s raised voice. His eyes told Ohno that he was a little offended; they were only trying to help Aiba with his own problem after all, much like usual.

“Leader has something to say,” Aiba explained and smiled sweetly, following the other two who began to stare at Ohno expectantly.

The oldest star blinked a few times, unsure of what to do with the attention. His eyes met Sho’s and he could plainly see the newscaster was trying to figure out why Aiba knew that Ohno had something to say.

“Well,” Leader started and cleared his throat again. “I’ll ask Touma.”

Jun blinked a few times and Sho raised an eyebrow. Aiba just looked giddy, as usual.

“Touma-kun? Why?” Jun asked first, his brow furrowed in confusion.

Of course Ohno wasn’t going to tell them the primary reason his co-star was the perfect candidate, but he had another excuse anyway.

“Well, we’ll finish filming Maou next week. We’ve been meaning to go out for drinks to celebrate and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind hanging out with us.” As he spoke his eyes darted around the other members, trying to read their expressions.

Sho shrugged first, immediately accepting the suggestion. “That’s fine with me.”

“Touma’s fine with me, too. He should have fun and it’s been a while since I’ve seen him…” Jun added afterwards, his expression becoming more relaxed.

“Yay! It’s settled, then!” Aiba bobbed up and down in excitement before throwing his arm around Ohno’s shoulder and offering him a ‘thank you’.

And that’s how Ohno was roped into a ‘triple date’ with Sakuraiba, Nino, and Touma.

Of course Touma had agreed without thinking twice, although Ohno couldn’t help but think his costar simply was adding a party their (tentatively) long list instead of just replacing one. The pair already had several celebrations scheduled with various other cast and crew members, but Touma was still insisting that just the two of them go out to party as well. Ohno was sure he would be exhausted by his costar before they parted ways again.

And when Aiba told Nino (who had overheard most of the double date details already) he looked pouty for a moment, like he didn’t want to be set up with someone (“Just because you all have boyfriends doesn’t mean I need one, too!”), but when Aiba explained that Ohno had asked Touma to come along, Kazu had lightened up a little. Later he nudged Leader in the side and offered an off-handed ‘thanks’.

Although Jun was a little disgruntled at the change of plans for their ‘second date’ night (which they had been planning since their first date), it wasn’t worth upsetting Aiba over. Besides, there would be other dates for the two of them, even if they were a few months in the future…

As for the spot, Jun had suggested their bar, since Sho and Aiba hadn’t been there yet, and it was an immediately unanimous decision.

Upon arrival, the group of six was accommodated by the staff moving another table into what Ohno heard Jun call “their room” and moving the paper divider back a few feet.

The night had started out with them in their respective relationship groups: Sho sat next to the entranceway with Aiba immediately on his right, and around the corner sat Touma (who hadn’t quite realized this was more than just ‘hangin’ with Arashi’ time). Ohno had loitered around the doorway with Jun in order to insure that Kazu got the next seat over, sharing a corner of the table with his supposed crush. Of course Leader sat down next to him, leaving Jun to take the last seat by the door.

When his ‘boyfriend’ slid his legs under the table, he accidentally brushed Ohno’s and immediately jumped, trying to pull away. Jun had been pretty calm most of the night (although now that Touma was here, he was back to not standing next to Leader) but Ohno imagined that because he had forced them to sit together that Jun’s tension had suddenly risen. Despite the fact that Aiba was almost sitting in Sho’s lap already.

Matsujun smiled guiltily and offered a shy “sorry” to the rest of the group. His unexpected jump had jarred the table and the salt shaker had fallen over. Aiba giggled at him and was about to say something when the bartender arrived at the table. Ohno heard Jun take a shallow breath of relief next to him, and Leader couldn’t blame him. Knowing Aiba, it would have been something about them dating and wasn’t Jun used to touching him already?

Ohno could feel his cheeks flush just thinking about all the embarrassing things that Aiba could say about them. At least he was in close company tonight, with people that he would allow to make fun of him all they wanted. Although Touma didn’t know about his newfound relationship with Jun (and he probably wouldn’t anytime soon now that Maou was wrapping up), Ohno couldn’t say that he would mind if his costar found out. Touma had been fun to work with and the two of them had gotten much closer over that last few months than Ohno ever would have predicted.

Leader vaguely wondered, as Sho began ordering a round of beers, if Jun was the type to get jealous. He expected so, knowing Jun’s possessive DoS personality, but so far he had detected nothing of the sort from his ‘boyfriend’ even after snuggling with Kazu on the couch (several times) right in front of him. By any means, he wasn’t going to go into details of the long conversations he’d had with Touma unless he had to.

Despite having an extra person, Arashi was relaxed as always and the group quickly made it through their first round of beers with a kampai of congratulations on the success of Maou. Sho began ordering food for the group as well, after a chorus of “whatever is fine, you pick” answered his suggestion at something to eat. Aiba snuggled up against his side as he looked through the menu, pointing out a few things to the bartender, who looked like he had seen a similar scene before. Meanwhile, Nino was making light talk with Touma about magic, explaining one of the tricks that he usually did when he was a variety show guest. Ohno sat silently listening to the table around him. He felt a little guilty for placing Jun by the door, as he was being silent, too… Maybe he should have made him sit next to Kazu instead?

Before the food came, another round of beers arrived at the table. Although Ohno hadn’t even made it through his first one (he was a little tense around Jun tonight- too much alcohol would only make him sick faster) another one was passed to him and he sat it behind the first. Everyone else at the table had an empty glass, but that wasn’t surprising. Ohno occasionally ended up supervising the other members on nights like this, since he could hold his alcohol better and never drank as much as Aiba or Sho did. And Touma always seemed to drink more than he should, at least when he was out with Ohno.

Suddenly Nino turned to him, smiling widely and with a little dazed glaze in his eyes. “Isn’t that right, Oh-chan?” Touma was looking at him, too, with a silly grin on his face like he was expecting him to answer.

Ohno simply gave the two a raised eyebrow and blank look. He had missed out on the last few minutes of their conversation while he anticipating what kind of damages he’d have to take care of tonight.

“No one has found out the catch to that card trick. Not even Jun-chan.” Nino’s words weren’t slurring yet, but Ohno noted that his second beer was almost gone. As was Touma’s.

Dear God, was something wrong with this group tonight? They had come for a double date, not to get wasted! Maybe it was the high tension in the air--it was the first time for Arashi to be on a date, by all means.

Or maybe it was just Ohno.

Jun was acting really tense tonight and it was rubbing off on him. Leader just couldn’t relax like usual or get sucked into the bar atmosphere, where they’d already lost the rest of the group.

The most likely reason behind this increase in anxiety was Touma accompanying them to dinner that night. Ohno knew that his costar had been fairly close to Jun (although it had been a while since the two had seen each other, apparently), which meant that his band mate was probably scared over his friend’s opinion of their relationship.

And so Jun probably wanted to keep it hidden.

But then again, Leader couldn’t help but think that Touma would be more understanding of the situation because he was so close to Matsujun, instead of the opposite.

Sometimes Satoshi really didn’t understand other people.

Ohno snapped back to reality and forced a smile, nodding at the two actors seated at the end of the table. Nino returned the grin and patted him lightly on the back, then turned back to Touma, continuing something about where he had learned magic and how he never told anyone the secret to this particular trick-not even Leader (accompanied with another pat on the back).

Finally (finally) some food started arriving at the table. Half of it was chicken (thanks to Aiba’s interjections in Sho’s order) but Ohno was hungry and he would eat pretty much anything put in front of him. Besides, it gave him something to do since Jun hadn’t said a word to him since they had sat down. The younger star had chatted with Sho a little over the table, but Ohno could feel the tension between them like it was a brick wall. After adjusting himself, Jun hadn’t touched him again despite their close proximity.

Leader glanced up from the piece of chicken he’d just snagged as Aiba giggled. The animal lover was trying to pick up some round looking fried food with his chopsticks, but it kept slipping between the two pieces of wood. Sho was laughing with him, obviously amused by his attempt, his arm around Aiba’s back. Aiba was leaning against his chest, his head resting on Sho’s shoulder and he continued to giggle for the next five minutes, chasing the ball-thing around the plate. Ohno couldn’t help but smile at the cute scene, pushing back his own desires to be so close with Jun.

Give it time, Ohno. Make sure he really likes you, first.

Actually, Ohno was quite anxious about the lack of intimacy between the two. Yes, they had kissed, but Jun hadn’t tried to push it farther than that (despite Nino’s crude jokes about him). Ohno hypothesized that it had something to do with Jun’s nerves and his social sensitivity, but that didn’t mean the lack of touch made Ohno feel wanted, to say the least.

Suddenly Nino’s head plopped on his shoulder, bringing Ohno once again out of his own thoughts. The artist wondered if he was being too serious tonight. He probably needed to lighten up a little and just enjoy his time with the group.

Kazu giggled, still looking over at Touma and making an off-hand comment about how he couldn’t hold his alcohol.

“Yay more beer!!” Aiba suddenly called from across the table, jumping up to help pass out the next round the bartender had brought over, almost falling over his boyfriend in his excitement.

Ohno was faced with another beer and he had barely finished the first one. Kazu took a gulp right away, making a “that was tasty” sound immediately after he’d finished swallowing. Touma also took another, his cheeks becoming red (a sign, Ohno had discovered, that he was becoming drunk) and Leader caught Jun downing his own out of the corner of his eye. Jun wasn’t trying to get drunk so quickly, was he? Maybe this whole group date thing wasn’t a good idea. It was making the Ohno Jun pair even more awkward and distant than usual.

Nino’s head was back on his shoulder, so Ohno turned to accommodate him a little more, resting his hand more comfortably behind his friend’s back.

“So, Maou’s almost over, huh?” Nino asked, smiling lightly. He was probably just making conversation, one that the tense Ohno could participate in too.

“Yeah! Have you ever seen Ohno act? He is amazing!”

Said amazing actor sighed internally, hoping that Touma wasn’t going to start talking about him again all night. It was probably a topic that Nino would only encourage, even if he was the one that wanted Touma’s attention.

“I know!” Nino suddenly sat up, his smile widening. The gamer leaned forward towards the table without meaning to, worrying Ohno a little (since he was still sitting down), but he steadied himself without help.

“You should see him during concerts,” Sho suddenly cut in. He looked the least drunk out of the other members, even though Ohno knew that he’d gone through three beers and half of one of Aiba’s. “He’s crazy good at choreography.” The way you knew Sho was getting drunk, though, was his decrease in vocabulary.

Aiba was now completely leaning back against his boyfriend's chest as he faced Touma next to him, and Sho’s hand was around his waist. “It’s funny, though. Leader’s always so quiet during our variety shows!” the animal lover added, drunkenly covering his mouth as another giggle slipped out. “When I watch his dramas, I always think ‘wow, Leader really can talk!’”

The rest of the table burst out laughing at Aiba’s comment, even Jun giving a smile and a chuckle. Ohno smiled shyly and felt his face blush red.

He was far from drunk, but not even he could walk away completely unaffected by the beers.

“When he plays Naruse,” Touma started again as the rest of the table calmed down, “he’s seriously scary.”

Nino immediately jumped in. “Yeah, I know! I was only there for one shooting, but I seriously couldn’t even tell it was Leader! His brow was all crinkled like an old man!” For effect, the magician scrunched his own eyebrow and tried his best to imitate Ohno’s Naruse.

Touma laughed with the others before continuing his train of thought. “I don’t ever want to be on Ohno’s bad side. Never ever. I bet he would be really scary.” Touma looked at Ohno and smiled cutely, his beer in one hand. After pausing, he brought it to his lips and finished what was left.

Ohno sighed and looked down at his hands. He wished he could change the subject. He wished he had enough nerve to shrug off the compliments and go back to talking about just Maou.

Lucky for him, the room broke out in light chatter as Aiba began asking Sho if he remembered a situation several years about in which he’d broke Ohno’s fishing pole on accident and Nino was mumbling something (to Ohno probably) about how he always made their concert choreography difficult. Leader watched Touma glance at the two of them with an amused look before looking past them at Jun, who had yet to join in the main conversation.

“Hey, Jun,” he smiled. Ohno noted the man sitting next to him turn to his friend, forcing a smile. “Did you finish that game I lent you? I’ve been meaning to ask you about it…” Jun’s face relaxed a little at the question, his smile becoming more natural.

“Yeah, I finished it a while ago. Sorry I’ve had it for so long…” he replied sheepishly. After pausing for a moment, obviously wanting to say more about the subject, Jun scooted back and stood up, walking a few steps to the end of the table where Touma was seated.

He sat down next to Ohno’s costar and the two of them began chatting about the game: which bosses were difficult to beat, surprising plot twists and a possible sequel coming out next year.

Nino gave Jun a halfhearted glare before forcing Ohno to move over a seat to make room for the unexpected change. Jun apologized, but moved in towards the table, unconsciously picking up one of the beers that Ohno hadn’t touched yet.

Ohno was unexpectedly relieved at the loss of his partner, although he felt somewhat sad that Jun would rather talk to Touma than him (even if it had been a while since the two had met…). He hadn’t said two words to Ohno yet that night, but it was easy enough for him to relax next to a friend he hadn't seen in years (probably).

Nino immediately picked up the slack, though. His head was still resting on Ohno’s shoulder and he began to chat with his friend about their upcoming schedules, trying to feel out what their coinciding free time was. He promised to treat Leader to yakiniku if Ohno agreed to help him beat his new game on two player mode. Leader didn’t need any prompting to agree (as usual) and before the topic had moved on to a famous comedian’s new skit Nino had finished another beer.

+ + +

Less than an hour later, things were finally wrapping up. Although Ohno had seen much worse than the scene before him, it appeared that at least half of the stars present were past 'I can’t walk straight by myself' drunk.

Nino had gone through another beer, making his total five, and he had ended up with his head in Ohno’s lap, his eyes fluttering between closed and then open again. Leader unconsciously ran his fingers through his friend’s hair, surveying the rest of the table, as they waited for the bill to come.

Aiba was giggling with his arms around Sho, trying to kiss his boyfriend who was half heartedly pushing him away. Sho, at least, seemed to have some grasp on himself, despite the relaxed smile that never left his face and his inability to convince Aiba that they were still in public and could he just wait a few more minutes until they were back at his apartment?

Touma and Jun weren’t much better, but at least they weren’t falling all over each other. After Jun had moved, his attitude had completely changed and the two of them had laughed together all night. They had caught up with each other for a while, but eventually (somehow) the topic had returned to Ohno. By that time, Jun had downed two more beers and the two of them were effectively dead-ass drunk, wobbling in place and heavily patting each other on the shoulders, laughing at every other thing that was said despite what it was.

If Ohno had been a little more aggressive he would have stopped their conversation about him long ago.

“He looks so tiny, doesn’t he? But you should see him naked, he’s totally ripped.” In one of Jun’s hand was half of a beer, which had sloshed a little onto his knuckle from his unstable wide movements.

“Eeeh, really? I can’t imagine Ohno being ripped under that suit he has to wear on set all the time…”

“Uh huh, he’s totally hot.”

“He sounds totally hot. I want to see him naked-“ Ohno blushed as Touma said this. Likely he didn’t really mean it and wouldn’t remember that he’d said it in the morning, but still… he had to work with this man, this was only getting more awkward.

“Uh huh. I think that everyone- everyone should be able to see-“ Jun paused for an unexpected hiccup. He broke out into another fit of giggles, as did Touma, but somehow continued his train of thought a few seconds later. “Everyone should be able to see Ohno naked, you know?” The last few words were slurred together.

Leader felt his face go bright red. How were they talking about this? Yes, the rest of the table was drunk enough to not be paying attention, but Jun and Touma-He always thought they were too shy, too decent to talk about something like that, drunk or not. Didn’t they have any courtesy? He was sitting at the same table as them, for God’s sake.

“I agree, I think the world would be a better place if…“ Touma started, his words slowing down, and Jun nodded feverishly in response before his friend had even gotten the whole thing out. When the actor trailed off, Jun picked up the conversation again, another hiccup escaping his mouth before he started.

“Ohno has got the greatest ass, I swear to God, it must be perfectly-“

“What are you two talking about?!” Suddenly Nino sat up, apparently recovering from his tired spell. Ohno offered a silent thanks to his savior. “Have you been checking out Ohno’s ass, Jun?”

Please Kazu, Ohno internally begged, realizing that his friend’s disruption may only succeed in making the conversation worse than it already was. Please don’t join in with them…

Jun blinked a few times at the interruption, obviously struggling to grasp either the fact that Nino was suddenly back from the dead or that there was a problem with their topic of choice.

“What…” Nino chuckled sleepily, blinking his heavy eyelids with obvious difficulty. “What a pervert. Both of you.” His words were still slurring together and he barely was able to lift his hand off of Ohno’s knee to point at the pair.

The two of them stared at Nino for a second, then started laughing simultaneously.

“Says the man lying in Ohno’s lap,” Jun retorted, somewhat bitterly.

Nino leaned towards Jun uncertainly, his movements proving that he’d had too much to drink, even after resting for a few minutes. “H-hey,” he started, pointing his finger in Jun’s face in a scolding manner.

Ohno was relieved to see the bartender approach him on the right, sliding a check onto the table next to Leader’s hand.

As Jun and Nino continued to argue (which was rather amusing to watch, since they were both drunk and eventually couldn’t remember what they were fighting over) Ohno organized the payment of the check.

Sho was the first to stand, somewhat unsteadily, and said (louder than necessary) ‘Thank you for the meal!’. Aiba immediately followed, pulling himself up with Sho’s hand. The two of them wobbled against the other before Sho finally caught their balance with the aid of the wall behind him.

Ohno stood, too, and felt blood rush to his head. He’d made it through two beers, enough (apparently) to inhibit his own cognitive capacity. Nino blinked up at him and Leader leaned over to help his friend stand, basically pulling him off the floor. By far the artist was still the most sober one occupying the room.

Somehow Touma had managed to balance on his two feet by himself and had struggled over to Ohno’s side. “I’ll help!” he offered, wedging his own shoulder under Nino’s other armpit with a silly grin on his face.

“Ah, thanks!” Ohno replied with a light smile, happily pushing Nino off onto Touma. Sho and Aiba had made it out the room’s entrance and were struggling through the lively bar, Aiba offering cheers to any table the two of them passed by. Touma followed, laughing at Nino, who was barely able to stand. Ohno would have followed after them to help, except that Jun was still left behind him, struggling to stand himself. He had almost made it once, but ended up nearly crashing onto the table in front of him.

Leader rushed back and offered him his shoulder, which Jun immediately took. “Thanks,” he replied shyly.

“No problem.” Ohno’s voice was almost a whisper and he couldn’t bring himself to look at Jun’s face. It was the first time that night that Jun had said anything to him and now their bodies were flush against each other. He had a right to be embarrassed.

The rest of the group had already congregated outside in front of the bar, waiting for Ohno and Jun to join them. The shorter idol gave them an apologetic look and a nod as he pulled Jun along with him into the fresh night air.

“Well,” Sho said, as the pair approached, looking at Ohno with an expectant smile.

That was Ohno’s cue to get to business. There was a line of taxis waiting for drunken bar-goers just like them in the street, so at least he didn’t have to worry about sending the stars back by themselves.

“You can get home with Aiba?” Ohno asked first, receiving a nod from Sho. Leader generally trusted the newscaster to be honest in these sorts of situations and besides, Ohno could tell if Sho was past something like giving directions to a taxi driver. He wasn’t that gone right now.

“Yay! It’s time to go home! Sho-chan, can we still have sex tonight?” Aiba’s arms were tight around his boyfriend’s neck, his chin resting lightly on Sho’s shoulder, and the two of them looked like there were going to start kissing at any moment.

“We’ll have to see-“ Sho started to reply, completely serious and staring into Aiba’s eyes distractedly.

“TOO MUCH INFORMATION!” Nino cut in loudly, barely more sober now that he had been inside. He was still leaning heavily on Touma, though the other actor seemed to need the support as much as Kazu did. Actually, Nino looked more tired than drunk. Ohno vaguely hoped it was all an act in order to spend more time with his costar, but it was hard to read intentions like that when they were clouded with exhaustion and alcohol.

Sho laughed at the response and Aiba looked at Nino with a confused expression before the newscaster began to pull his boyfriend towards one of the taxis.

“Thanks, guys! See you tomorrow! Thanks for coming, Touma!” Sho offered before fully turning around to concentrate on not falling over. Touma and Jun waved back, mumbling their own ‘thank you’s.

“Kazu-“ Ohno started, looking at his friend with worry.

Nino gave him a sparkling smile and a wink. “Don’t worry about me- I’ll take care of this lump of meat,” he motioned towards Touma with his free hand, who tried to look offended but only ended up laughing.

“Can you give directions?” Ohno asked, scratching his head skeptically with a hand. The other was still around Jun’s waist, holding him up.

“No problem!” Nino said far too cheerfully, and then proceeded to pull Touma to a cab, much like Sho had done with Aiba. The two of them stumbled a few feet, but caught each other and somehow managed to stay upright until they reached the car. Ohno followed them (with Jun in tow) and gave Nino’s address to the driver. The younger man almost crushed him when the two of them had to lean over together to talk with the cabbie.

As the taxi pulled away, Ohno finally turned and looked at his date, who hadn’t said anything during the process of taking care of the other stars.

They were alone.

Jun stared down at him with glazed eyes and a serious expression.

“Ohno…” he said with a low voice, touching the shorter man’s hair lightly, as usual.

“Guess I’d better get you home, too…” A small smile nervously graced Ohno’s lips and he looked away from Jun’s intense stare.

+ + +


Just kidding.

Sorry for making you wait for this chapter. As far as school is concerned, this was the week from hell. T.T

Well, it's coming to a close, now. There's still one chapter left and an epilogue (but that'll be more of a stand alone). Do you mind giving me some feedback on this front as well? I'm getting sort of attached to this fic and am thinking of a sequal.

As a reader, I'd like to you see you, boblemon:
A. Continue the Juntoshi part of this story. The world needs more JUNTOSHI PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF-
B. Do a prequel of how Sakuraiba got together!! They are too adorable in this fic!
C. I really want to see where you were going with Nino and Touma! I hope they can be happy together... ;.;
D. I think you should start on something else, or post some oneshots. I want to see what else you have!

I'll also be including this surveyish thing at the end of PART 2 WHICH I WILL BE POSTING IN A FEW HOURS if you want to respond there instead. Please watch for it. And remember IT'LL BE RATED R YAY!

EDIT: Next part is up. Please give me my mansex!

genre: drama, *fanfiction, arashi, pairing: ohno satoshi/matsumoto jun, length: chaptered, pairing: sakurai sho/aiba masaki, genre: romance

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