propably should of not got xmas gifts, making rent and insurance is gonna suck ass now. i kinda don't know what else is special to update about, iam still alive lol havent herd from a lot of you, and phil you need to hit me up big misunderstanding with the phone call lol. but yeah, steve too, miss you man this gangsta is out lata
finished moving into my place. its so weird. i feel like any second someones gonna come here and be like, or time for you all to go back home. i duno. so yeah got internet again, and like always my cell so anyone needs to get a hold of me, u know how to do it.
Perkins, new hours are sunday night through thursday night 6PM to 6AM so if your looking to hang out, yeah iam at work. Back online so you know how to leave me messages and shit like usual. lata my nigz