Sometimes the meanness of people really boggles my mind. It just totally does. I don't understand it from such a fundamental place that it completely throws me into full on brainlock.
Passing the link on because even though it's going to piss people off to hear about this, speaking out about the kind of hate which brings this on is important. Thanks.
Okay, for better or worse, it's now going through my Friends list like wildfire. One of my friends even developed a handy-dandy textbox copy-and-paste thinger to pass it around.
Awesome! I just made this entry public in case anybody wants to link to it. I hope the word goes out and a TON of people email and phone these guys to express our profound outrage. NOT OK, douchenozzles!
Good, I ripped some new assholes too. I just can't believe the meanness of these people, really. I mean...these are still children they're talking about, calling "freaks" and "abnormal" and so on. And you know and I know that the reason this guy would flip right the fuck out about his kid wearing a dress isn't because he'd be worried about junior potentially becoming a transsexual, but because wearing dresses and jewelry is faggoty behavior. And he ain't having not fag-gots in HIS house. Disgusting. Utterly, utterly loathesome.
Comments 24
Apart from that, it's perfect. Have at them! If I lived in the USA, I'd be sending them mail too.
At least I can understand, to some degree, that shock jocks need to shock in order to get a paycheck. What excuse do their audience have?
Now to go back to destroying humanity.
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Disgusting. Utterly, utterly loathesome.
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