Title: 4 Times Finn Walks In On His Almost Step-Brother and Ex-Best Friend Locking Lips, and 1 Time He Doesn't
Pair: Puck/Kurt (Slight Finn/Rachel)
Rating: M to be safe.
Word Count: ~4600
Summary: The title says it all.
Disclaimer: Well, Christmas is coming up. Maybe if I'm really good Santa'll bring me my very own Glee? No? Oh, alright then.
A/N: Well
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Comments 28
Oh, Burt. You poor bastard. I heart stupid!Finn fic with everything in me, and third person POV is my favorite ever, ergo, this is pretty much my favorite ever. Well worth staying up past my bedtime. :)
Agreed, he's been far too astute in the past few episodes, I miss the Finnocence. :c
Puck/kurt is still my otp~
It's strange though, so far in season two, as my liking for Finn drops, my liking for Rachel has risen.
What is this blasphemy?!
&I'm so glad the ending worked for you,
I'm a self-proclaimed fail artist at the damned things. .___.
So funny
but I don't think Puck would appreciate anything relating to him being referred to as 'small'. c:
But more on-topic - I love Finn's kind of varying reactions depending on the context, it was very realistic. And I love Rachel trying to help.
Also, worst meet-the-parent EVER.
Thanks muchly!
It certainly does seem like Finn has a firm line between what he deems as 'acceptable gay behaviour' and 'offensive gay behaviour'.
But I was trying REALLY hard not to be bitter here.
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