Title: 4 Times Finn Walks In On His Almost Step-Brother and Ex-Best Friend Locking Lips, and 1 Time He Doesn't
Pair: Puck/Kurt (Slight Finn/Rachel)
Rating: M to be safe.
Word Count: ~4600
Summary: The title says it all.
Disclaimer: Well, Christmas is coming up. Maybe if I'm really good Santa'll bring me my very own Glee? No? Oh, alright then.
A/N: Well
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Comments 28
Loved this fic, Finn's POV and how awesome Rachel was, especially when she didn't let Finn interrupt Puckurt make out session on Finn's bed.
I always felt that Rachel would be the most sensitive to Kurt's plight, seeing as she has two gays dads, and surely they've told her stories from their own childhood, so I can't imagine her being anything but supportive when Kurt gets his new beau.
Jeez, I'm long-winded, thanks for the review. c:
Anyway, I'm glad you liked it. ;]
Also, on the same topic, I really liked the Finchel make-out session, short as it was.
And the definite prize goes to Puck & Kurt's condom choice. Glow in the dark is both useful (for lightless scenario) and hilarious.
Such perfect Finnspeak! I can just see his adorably scrunched up face as he says it.
Utterly adorable, this. Well done.
Hee, thank you~
You've killed me from laughter.
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