I won't tell you the one about Obi-Wan Kenobi walking into a bar because I think you've already heard the punchline. But why won't I tell you the one about Hugh Jackman walking into a bar?
Due to the convenience of producing a weekly animated show, many of the "ethnic" characters on The Simpsons are parodied by the regular Caucasian cast. But what prominent Caucasian character has been voiced by an African-American actor?
It was cool to visit arifyn for once, but Dad was complaining about all my flying in public, saying I should comport myself with more dignity because it reflects on the family. So I kicked his ass.
To raise his name recognition to match the incumbent, Sir Emil Inouye pulls a publicity stunt and undergoes surgery. The operation is a success, and one Dame Emi Inouye is added to the ballot.