Got everything that's been on the backburner finished this evening. Chapter 5 cover is done (6 tomatoes), commission sketch is sent off, and Patreon rewards have been sent off to those who have replied so far.
After I get some sleep, I'm going to be tackling next week's TH pages, perhaps some writing, and then maybe even some FANART FOR FuN
Got TH162 done this evening, at 12 tomatoes. Much lower panel count, so things went pretty quick. That's Friday's page done, so with that off my agenda, I'll be concentrating on commissions, Patreon rewards, and the Chapter 5 cover.
As it turned out, I came back from my trip a night early, so I got some studio time this evening. Working on TH161, which I've got done through backgrounds and letters. (Inks, flats, and shading still to be done.) Currently logged 7 tomatoes on this page.
Worked away on TH158 for the majority of my evening after getting home from Part Time Gig. Higher panel count and more figures and action on this page, compared to the last several pages in the chapter. Tomato count comes up to 20 even
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I'm up far too late to be of any good to me, but I got a lot done this evening.
Done up through backgrounds on TH158. 11 tomatoes so far. The anatomy and fight choreography is proving to be a nice change of pace and a challenge for me. If I didn't need to get some sleep before Part Time Gig, I would keep going until I was done. But alas.
Yesterday was a bad brain day. But I'm feeling much better today. Thursday night, I was up pretty late finishing TH156, and this evening, I'm getting started on next week's pages. Currently working on TH157 roughs
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Started up on TH 156 and I'm done up through backgrounds. Inks, letters, and shading to be done tomorrow. (5 tomatoes so far.) Today was also a Part-Time Gig day.
Tomorrow: Call internet provider (phone calls are THE WORST), commission sketch, the rest of TH 156, and the Chapter 5 cover.