Apr 10, 2004 13:54
Today was my lil brothers b-day partay. Me, not wanting to be surrounded by small annoying children went to my friend's house. Here I am @ my friend's house updating my LJ.
Apr 06, 2004 20:27
Is it just me or are all guys pervs? Anyways today I went to my uncle's funeral. At least I got to hang out with my hot older cousin all day. Jk, lol! But my brothers and cousins and I almost died of sheer boredom. Sam's birthday on Sat.! Friends are forever boys are whatever when worst comes to worst my girls come first!
Apr 03, 2004 17:37
Guyz are like lava lamps; fun to watch but not too bright! Well today was boring whatever. Seriously, some people need to just get over themselves and stop thinking every1 likes them. Cough Lucas Cough.
Apr 02, 2004 20:55
I just saw dirty dancing havana nights. OMG Diego Luna is so hot!!!! Cheers to my new sn LuNaRoCkEr4EvEr. Today was okay. School was boring as usual and I got out of class as usual. Glad that its finally spring break!
Apr 02, 2004 20:42
Today I went to the mall and it was really really fun! I got all this new STUFF! OMG I so dig this guy but he's like younger than me. Oh well, tootles. Cuddles says hi!