Title: I'm not a Fan. Nope Chapter:3/? Author: arimuras_kurage Genre: random, humor, fluff Warnings: none Disclaimer: well obviously you know it isn't true Rating: PG (maybe-idk how to rate) Pairing: Changminnah ;) -indicated Synonpsis: Changmin finds himself in a very unexpected predicament...
Title: I'm not a Fan. Nope Chapter:2/? Author: arimuras_kurage Genre: random, humor, fluff Warnings: none Disclaimer: well obviously you know it isn't true Rating: PG (maybe-idk how to rate) Pairing: Changminnah ;) -indicated Synonpsis: Changmin finds himself in a very unexpected predicament...
Title: I'm not a Fan. Nope Chapter:1/? Author: arimuras_kurage Genre: random, humor, fluff Warnings: none Disclaimer: well obviously you know it isn't true Rating: PG (maybe-idk how to rate) Pairing: Changminnah ;) -indicated Synonpsis: Changmin finds himself in a very unexpected predicament...