Some English station (Channel 4 in England?) had some 50 moves to see before you die list and I completely disagree with it. So lets go down the list and see which ones are wrong and why (I will bold the ones I have seen)
1. Apocalypse Now (1979) - Not the Francis Ford Coppala film I would have picked (Godfather 1 & 2 anyone?). I understand why
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Okay, someone in one of the LJ groups I am a member of, but do not post to (I still lurk, at least once a week, but am just to busy to post) posted this, which I loved, so I'm going to do this Meme
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So, got an interesting call from a headhunter yesterday regarding a position at a Law Firm. Normally I'm not interested in these things but this is a small yet, IMPORTANT, INTERNATIONAL law firm which only specializes in what I do and I think job could be quite interesting
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