Title: Cracked Friendship Prompt: Wild Card (I went with Abandoned) Fandom: Power Rangers Mighty Morphin Pairings: None Rating: G Disclaimer: Not mine. Saban's, I believe.
Title: Deciding the Future Prompt: Child Fandom: Power Rangers Dino Thunder/Power Rangers SPD Pairings: Trent/Conner/Ethan/Kira Rating: G Disclaimer: Not mine. Saban's, I believe.
Fandom:Power Rangers: Dino Thunder Title: Night Ritual Pairing/Character: Conner/Trent/Kira/Ethan Pyramid Set with level and prompt: Second Level, Demons Rating: PG Disclaimer: Not mine, never been mine, never will be mine.
Okay, so here's the Prologue. I'm seriously writing again and trying to make myself edit a bit each day to get in the habit. So, uh, hope you enjoy
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So, I grabbed one. Mostly for random fandom stuff such as discussing why I like or dislike something. I also wanted it for more complex or even random thoughts with fandom. So, if I have thoughts on sexuality, sexism, different ways Kim and Tommy could have broken up, the parallels between said break up and similar break ups in the military...
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Alright. So, too much X-Files mixed in with watching Power Rangers with my godson led to this story. It is AU because of the necessity of it to be. Power Rangers is carrying on. Anything you saw in the series is the same other than possibly Once a Ranger later on. Their canon is just shifted off screen. X-Files, on the other hand, has some
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Okay, so I wrote a monstrosity of a story. Or started to anyway. I wish I could give you one main character, but it has an ensemble cast eventually. So... yeah. There are way too many relationships and characters to mention
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So, after April, I'm now officially working on converting that script into a fanfic. It's going to be a little slow going at first. I need to try to fix some plot holes that happened during the transformation from "silly little sit-com" to "long, serious drama". Because that's what happened. At the same time, I'm still scripting parts of it out
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Okay. So, Rita and Zedd have still been doing things and I'm getting flashbacks of before they were evil and everything went down. And Zordon and Zedd were Power Rangers together and it's so much fun! And they were so awesome together
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