Oct 23, 2008 19:51
this is like a diary because no1 is going to read it except me.
today i quit college.
then i unquit, sort of.
i decided to force myself to finish this semester and then go to mcc because mcc is barely college, no offense.
Jul 28, 2007 21:20
hi ben. i'm bored. just finished reading all your entries for like the 10th time.
um so no ben for 8 days kinda sucks. seems like 8 million days. 13 hours 5 minutes left. legally blonde is on, i could recite like every word if i wanted. kitty is downstairs attacking my dad... not me. :]. my brain hurts.
May 06, 2007 11:27
the only girl in the whole world i dont hate is sarah joseph.(and regina spektor)
Apr 21, 2006 12:25
jeeze, life is weird sometimes. i kinda wish i didn't suck at it.