May 13, 2013 08:53
Here's a sneak peak at some of the latest products available at Avon. Be sure to click
May 06, 2009 19:07
- 20:53 Finn started running a fever. :P If it's not down by morning I'll take him to the ped. just to be safe. #
- 21:21 Why do I get an error trying to ship a 4"x4"x4" package via priority? #
- 21:30 Arrgh! I guess I'll have to find a bigger box. :P #
- 22:26 Anyone else need a beer? #
- 22:50 Should go to bed, but I slept late and
( Read more... )
May 02, 2009 19:05
- 20:07 10% off everything in my Artfire shop. Prices are already marked down for easy checkout. #
- 20:09 I need to clean, but I really just want to sit here. The boys are out though, so I could actually accomplish something now... #
- 20:10 @ Maas01 Up for babysitting Finn sometime while Chris and I have a movie date? #
- 20
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Apr 30, 2009 19:07
- 19:50 10% off everything in my Artfire shop. Prices are already marked down for easy checkout. #
- 19:51 Trying to decide whether I count today's unproductivity as a "day off" or try to do some serious work tonight to redeem it. #
- 19:52 This would be great for Mother's Day: #
- 22:01 FWISD, where my dh
( Read more... )
Apr 28, 2009 19:06
- 19:20 Where'd everyone go? My tweet stream is blank! #
- 19:20 Now it's back. #
- 22:26 Goodnight everyone! #
- 22:30 10% off everything in my Artfire shop. Prices are already marked down for easy checkout. #
- 22:35 Please vote for my deal on CheapTweet! #