Pairing orders are listed alphabetically for convenience. Unfilled requests are listed first, followed by filled requests.
A note: the "Golden Horde" will included here as the "same character" as "Mongolia", as some stories don't distinguish between the two.
Wall issues Mongolia/Russia
Noncon, mpreg resulting in Tatarstan (+Russia/America) - Nightmares Mundane life Psychological warfare (filled)
Noncon, Russia's childhood and the Mongol Invasion (filled)
Historical Gen
Mongolia - Reminiscing about his past empire Mongolia - Life after the empire France - Mongol alliance
Mongolia - Photobombing the Asian Five group pictures Little!Russia, Mongolia, China - Mongolia being a bully Mongolia - Paying a visit Young adult!China/child!Russia - Comfort in an unfamiliar place (filled)
Non-Mongolia pairings
Russia/China (Mongolia), Golden Horde Russia, China - Birth of Mongolia (filled)
Mongolia/Austria/Hungary - Seeing who is more efficient Mongol Empire, young!Poland, young!Russia - Shota noncon China/Mongolia/Russia - Frustration, revenge