im officialy heart broken.. every guy i fall in love with ends up hurting me in some way even tho i never listen to anyone and always tell me im going to get hurt i end up getting hurt. i dont what to do im extremially lost and dont get it anymore with what i did. some how im always the one who screws up... hmm.. i just dont kno..
haha good mood woah! haha i showed rainey pictures of this really really hott kid who lives like 20 minutes away from lakeland but the bad news is hes taken and me and rainey are pissed about that and this weekend where going to plan an attack and attack him.. its going to be uber fun fun! i cant wait to see rainey ahaha even tho we fight 24.7.
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lets see i just go in deep shit with my mom we were arguing of course fucking pissed off me left hte house she called my dad he flipped out on me and ended up coming here.. not good me nad my mom fight over the stupidest things its so fucking retarted and i really hate it . she was laughing at me to but i was saying pretty stupid things. just got
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doesnt really matter what i say on live journal cuz no1 really reads it plus no1 really has my username thingy so whatever.. anyways this weekend sucked
Friday - stayed at my dads house ugh sucked
satuarday- i drove up to key largo
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tonights my first night staying at my dads house.. shocking... going to key largo tomorrow to see corey! staying there till late monday night nothing too new.. got in trouble at hoover so i now go to a private school thats the only new thing... well im tired and i have to wake up at 6:45 so im out
school fucking sucked ass. 1st period was okay becuase i new people but i didnt really kno anyone in any other class besides 3rd and 6th and then i skipped lunch.. i really dont want to go to that school its like against me and makes me feel sad n stressefull.. anyways. w/e really tired so peace