I have a question that I would love for as many people to answer as possible. I have never asked you people for advice, but I am now, so if you can find it in your heart to read this, please comment
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So, does everyone have Premium again? That's wierd, but I guess I don't mind. This font will help me expose my frustration. IT'S JUST A HAPPY ACCIDENT I GUESS...I COULD USE A FEW MORE OF THOSE...BUT JUST THE HAPPY ONES
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Melissa and I, on a whim, just checked out the sex offender registry and found out that there are 4 sex offenders living in her zip code, and 22 living in mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!
top 7 fave songs: 1. anything by the Beatles 2. anything by the Beatles 3. anything by the Beatles 4. anything by the Beatles 5. anything by the Beatles 6. anything by the Beatles 7. anything by the Beatles
I don't have 7 LJ friends, so I'll be a bum and do this: