I'm in a bit of a daze right now. Last night, I taught my first class, and by the end, my voice was ridiculously hoarse. It didn't help that I didn't have a microphone, or that the legions of girls that showed up couldn't stop giggling unless I screamed at the top of my lungs - but it was pretty exciting nontheless. I imagine it'll get repetitive
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Well, I'll be damned. Maybe MSU can hire a bunch of bad actors to make a shitty commercial for this degree program, so it can be re-run incessantly during primetime on G4
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There are roughly eighteen hundred things going on right now, not the least of which is the packing up of my life to move. Again. Since 1999, I've moved somewhere in the neighborhood of ten to fifteen times. Honestly, I've lost track of it at this point - these places are becoming a blur to me. Hopefully, this place will be the one that feels like
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As I sit here listening to REM and pondering the state of my existence, I realize I've finally reached college rock nirvana, 15 years too late. I also realize that I'm 23 and at the rate I'm going, I'll be graduating in my 40s. Exactly like my father did, I hesistate to note, because to do so invites much in the way of elementary psychoanalysis.
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