So it's been, what, a month since I last did this? What can I say? First there was Yuletide, then the holidays, and for a while my fic-writing brain just kind of checked out on vacation. But in the interest of getting certain stupid other characters from certain stupid other shows to get out of my stupid brain for a while, here's a Farscape/Doctor Who ficlet for
aelfgyfu_mead. To whom I apologize slightly, by the way, because it's not quite what you asked for when I inquired whether you had any specifics, but hopefully it's at least in the right spirit.
As always, the first eligible person to comment on this post can request a ficlet prompt. Feedback on this ficlet is not necessary to request a new one. The only rule is no repeat customers, though, of course, it's a good idea to request something in a fandom I'm familiar with. If you're not sure about a particular fandom, go ahead and ask anyway. The worst that will happen is that I'll ask you if you want to change your prompt. Or else you'll get OOC crack. Hopefully, the next one won't take as long for me to do, but I make no guarantees. These happen when they happen.
For those who don't remember, since it's been so long, the people who have requested fic so far, and are thus currently ineligible, are:
ladymercury_10, and, of course,
Title: Weirdness Magnets Walk Into a Bar...
Fandoms: Farscape/Doctor Who
Characters: John Crichton, Amy Pond
Rating/Warnings: Rated G. Spoilers through S5 of New Who and much of Farscape.
Length: ~220 words
Weirdness Magnets Walk Into a Bar...
Somehow, it turned into a sort of competition.
"I flew through a wormhole," said Crichton, "and ended up on the other side of the goddamned galaxy."
"When I was a little kid," said Amy, "there was a crack in my wall, and someone came through it from the other side of the galaxy."
"Hmm." Crichton took another swig of his fellip nectar.
"You ever meet a giant space whale?"
Crichton laughed. "I live on a giant space whale!"
"Oh." Amy made a scrunched up face, then brightened. "How about time travel? Ever traveled in time?"
"Been there, bought the t-shirt."
"Ever meet yourself?"
"Yep." Crichton took another drink. "OK, you want weird? I used to have a mental clone of an ugly-ass alien psychopath in S&M gear in my head."
"I had an angel in my head once."
"That doesn't sound so bad."
"Oh, trust me, it was."
"I've been to freaky-deaky alternate universes," said Crichton. "We're talking seriously warped, reality-in-a-blender kind of stuff."
"I watched the entire universe end, then helped reboot it all over from scratch," said Amy.
Crichton stared at her for a moment. "OK. I think you win."
She reached out and patted his hand. "Don't worry. You've still got plenty of time."
Crichton looked down into his empty glass. "I think I'm going to need more booze."